I wanted to go to bed at 22:55 on Sunday, but I was a little late and fell asleep at 23:10. Then I got to sleep for about 15 minutes and my brother woke me up, which caused me to stay awake until about quarter to two and me to rip down the decoration thingy. Woke up, did the things went to the kitchen where my mom kept nagging on me to eat this or that, and I finally left home and ran onto the relatively empty bus, where I stood for about one stop and sat down at an empty pair of seats and lo and behold a mother with her child come on the bus..... YAAYY So I awkwardly sat there and the lady went off at the same stop as me yaayy. No guilty feelings at all.

When class ended we headed to history, I saw Bets, Lee greeted her and wished her well but turns out her birthday is TOMORROW (or today, as I'm writing this at 06.01.2014 1:16) She hugs us I give her money and she leaves, then Laur, Mox and Ave leave too bc they wanna go buy food. Me and Annu remain and go into the classroom, I hug annu :3 But bc Annu is bored we go to check the menu and Annu kicks me in the back with her knee when walking down the stairs, Well honestly I get why she did it. The stairs were full of people from 11 B with Harold whose birthday it was. We quickly return from that trip after we find out that the menu might not even be up.
History passes with us searching for words and the teacher not letting us go sooner. Finally we get to go eat and we got seats with Kapitan with me and Lauri sitting at the head. Niitsoo saw that we made it in time for food but I retorted that we couldn't get seats together properly. Then after food we got the gym clothes from the garde and went to class and then Gym.
In Gym we played and practiced volleyball. Most of us left with red and aching hands from serving over the net and just general serving, Lee went off to do secret business and sometimes we would try to shoot some hoops. When we finally got to playing the teacher was annoyed by Aleksandra for not participating and finally I wouldn't respond and bc Ave snapped at me I snapped at her and Mox snapped at me and when the ball was coming I purposefully didn't receive it and the teacher got full of it and told us to do the exercises we have to but she wouldn't grade us. Me and Mox and Ave and Annu then answered our abdominal muscles and back muscles exercises and we were done.
When changing clotehs S left with saying "Off to the tussukontroll" :D we then continued to laugh about it and try to explain to some about what the gyno does :D Then garde, bus, Solarisest apelsiinimahl and home.
At home I was on the computer for a while. Then dad came home with a new coat/jacket (we had a discussion with dad that he chose the first jacket bc the colour was interesting I agreed) which I showed my mom and dad and then I split the candy. Later I told my bro I was gonna practise the bagpipes and he told me he was leaving soon so I went into the living room and took the decorations off the tree. Then he left I practised for about 30 min hopefully over 2 hours and I went to bed after downloading new Suprehero books onto my kindle. I then tried staying there bc my legs hurt and wer cold. It all culminated with me staying from abou 19ist to 00:50ish in bed bc me and my brother watched the Silence of the Lambs. After that bro went to bed and I packed my bag, wrote a list of my top 5 musical want-to-acts-even-if-unreachable, and now I've been writing this post for seems lik 30 minutes and am going to be heading to bed.
*I salute you* Nighters xxx :D ;) Huggsss
The list:
1. Althea - Light Princess
2. Christine or Phantom - Phantom of the Opera
3. Eponine - Les Mis
4. Tiina - Libahunt (an estonian musical (at least I think so. Translation would be Werewolf)
5. The Witch - Into the Woods
I have now changed it to:
1. Althea - Light Princess
2. Tiina - Libahunt (an estonian musical (at least I think so. Translation would be Werewolf)
3. Christine or Phantom - Phantom of the Opera
4. The Witch - Into the Woods
5. Eponine - Les Mis
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