Thursday, January 8, 2015


Hello Again :D
Again I woke up at 7:20 but  IMMEDIATELY I added 10 minutes :D So usual routine except for me searching for balloons and spraying conditioner to prevent electricity. This morning I ate alone. I ate a chocolate covered creamy cheese ;) :D and I had thought I would eat brownie for breakfast but I took one bite and went uh no. A little sickish I was :D Then I decided that instead of wearing my slippery boots I put on my long winter boots and I hugged dad (who was a little sickish or a lot). Got on the bus with my bagpipe, schoolbag AND a bag with the brownies and Lauras cake. 
Arrived at school but the extra cakes in my jacket pocket. And went to the classroom where I blew up the balloons and Ave tied them. Annu, Mox and Lee arrived about 5-10 minutes before class started but Laura arrived when class was already on. We then after history headed to the English classrooms where we gave Lura her cake and hugs but she was distracted bc Ets was supposed to come and hug her. He did and she only thought about the hug. We also did some quizzes, for e.g "Which famous ginger is your soulmate" by buzzfeed. I got Prince Harry, Annu got Emma Stone and Mox got Karen Gillan. In comparison with them I got a boring (okay not COMPLETELY :D) person bc I love Karen Gillan and Emma Stone is SOOO funny. And Lee made a snap story about her eraser shaped like a duck. The duckie adcentures.
The a rather uneventful English class and then History and then double maths, where in between we went for Lunch, which was a bit awkward as Mox and Lura sat in a table with 11a people and me and Ave stood for a while until I finally snatched a place and we all moved. We blame Meix bc she wouldn't let u early. We made jokes that we would be purposefully late for class and blame the teacher herself. In maths were learning the exponents and roots, I kinda understand the topic, more then some but I get stumped on a few :D.  And the final classes of the day were done without a break and it was double German. In between classes I was notified by someone Cathy that my wallet was in the History class. :D went and got it.... thought it was French class but found out it was Spanish. In German we talked about what we bought at the store and what's in our fridge and read and made a dialogue about eating in a restaurant. 
School ended and we headed to the cloakroom. Mox kindly waited for me even though she was going the other way. I gave her a slice of the good brownie and then we were off and I went to my bus-stop and she went to hers. At the bus-stop was Hanna who I chatted a bit with and when getting on the bus Lee made it also. So I chatted with Lee about the aktus and me performing and found out Hanna lives at the end of line 18 and has to get on a 6 :( :D and chatted about St. Petersburg.
I made it to class 10 minutes early and sat behind the door listening and reading about the diaphragm, which looked like a plate :D I also practiced breathing. When the other girls class ended I went in and awkwardly waited for them to finish up and for her to leave. So when she left I didn't know whether I should warm up my instrument or we would do something else. Lesson: when coming in from the cold outside, immediately open the bag and let the bagpipe warm up. Kristel had found out good news about us getting more bagpipes and that maybe we would rearrange me onto Wednesday so I could practice on Tuesday, bc I wouldn't have to leave my bagpipe there anymore. I then showed Kristel my Minion cake and I then practised long notes. I stayed on G and A note too long bc it didn't sound great. On my final playing of A note Kristel told me that there is a line where my possibilities of being good end bc I'm so new at playing the instrument and I should learn that line and accept it but also not accept if I do something wrong but know I can do better. She told me the last note was very good for a first years. I was having problems with keeping the pressure level. She then shoved me a kolmkõla exercise which she made to sound like a songish, I filmed it for her to put up and then we played it. On about the 3/5 try I got it right and then Tauri came and talked about new years and so on :D I got to rest during this time. We then played Sääselugu together and then in kaanon. When the clock struck 17 I packed my stuff and gave Kristel my brownies and left :)
Was walking toward bus-stop feeling a weir softness in my glove :D and saw my bus leaving. I got on the next bus and rode home. I wanted to get a Sub but decided not to. When I got home I ate a dish made by mom (macaroni casserole) and CHEESECAKE ugh soo good (well technically it's just the curd (kohupiim) baked in an oven). Was on the computer for a while, the bc I tired I went to bed to read and decided that I would sleep instead and that when I woke up I would edit my video and do my research paper, but went to bed, watched videos, fell asleep, woke up to my brother watching Lethal Weapon and then I just surfed the web and found out new movies had been added and ofc I did the thingy (Big Hero 6, Unbreakable, Book of Life, Birdman, The Imitation Game, Into the Woods) and in our Stylish Six chat we talked about wanting to donate blood and that Lee wants to turn 18 so she could donate blood and find out her blood type.  I might not be allowed to donate bc I had asthma (never mind me being unhealthy) but I'm not sure if it still counts or if what I had is the same grain (if there even are more) as bronchial asthma. Anyway, I read about the donation health restrictions and watched Before I go to Sleep. Which was a bit of a disappointment as I was expecting for it to be a mystery and intense, but it just was. I probably should have payed more attention to it. 
In other news there was a shooting in Paris today, something about religious people shooting a specifically inclined newspaper office and killing 12 (including 2 police officers) :s. (Coincidentally Karin added an Insta photo of her and her friend posing with guns)
While starting to write into this blog I went over the layout and removed some kind of a follower badge/pin thingy and move things around a bit and decided to put up a photo. At first I went with a photo of the Science Academy but then rifled through my USA photos and settled on the photo seen above (Me in Washington DC, a photo by Mrs. Timakov). Such nostalgia washed through me and I already don't remember some peoples names or where they're from. I then spoiled myself and watched about 8 minutes of Into The Woods (to the part where Red Riding skips off into the woods). I only watched 8 bc I couldn't restrain myself and also I didn't want to spoil too much. So later I decided to watch Big Hero 6 while writing this post, but after the scene of youknowhos funeral I decided I would watch it tomorrow instead bc I want to concentrate bc this movie looks awesome. The character Hiro really cute and alive and bubbly, and the science is super cool especially Hiros micro-bot (?) invention and the music and hopefully I'm gonna watch it after school. If I'm not too tired :D
Also at one point I saw a picture that Carrie retweeted of her and Gi's book being bought in a pair, and January's Book club box which I'm jealous of and want bc it has a Peter Pan bookmark.I ended up scouring the net for bookmarks and ended up looking at phone covers.
Now it is 08.01.2015 1:49 and I shall finish my English assignment and start learning the German dialogue in bed. Nigh nigh! :D

To read bc Interest sparked bc of Big Hero 6 and animation
And to watch bc it's quite late here, Carrie interviewing
Also a cute video of a Turtle eating a strawberry :D
Wrote this while listening to Florence + the Machine :3. Also every time I close this page I remember something and wanna write more.
I am also quite proud that I can write this longly about an ordinary day :D

Word count: about 1500 :D o.O
Don't own this awesome Big Hero 6 photo :3 BAYMAX IS THE MOST CUTEST :D

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