Friday, January 9, 2015


Woke up at the usual time :D tired again, resolved to go to sleep as soon as I made it home. Then a chocolate covered creamy cheesecake and a chocolate paste (kohupiim). Then got dressed, hopped on the bus and rode on til Neverland :D Actually came off at Estonia and remembered  I have a dentist appointment and called my dad, who was getting the paper at the time, to tell me what was written in my calendar (I heard her tell mom to go and check). Found out that it's at 18:40 and clicked off. I then walked. From my bus-stop (rode with 31 O.o) and got on the next one. A little cold outside and I made way to school. 
Somewhy I wished the first class would be literature, probably bc I didn't want to clime the stairs but I did and sat down in front of the radiator and warmed my back. Ave, me and Mox had a tiny spat bc I was annoyed at Aves non-knowledge about Big Hero 6. When Lee arrived I told her about the Big Hero 6 trivia (eg. Stan Lee and Hans from Frozen). A rather uneventful history class, then math with a tiny test in it. The teacher couldn't decide on whether to let us redo the test or not :D then Literature where we also had at the end of class. I could use my Kindle but when the class ended I had only answered 5 out of 10 questions. Luckily the teacher gave us 5 more minutes. Then it was the first long break. I was shaking from having to write my answers super fast and when Mox finished, we went and ate Lauris cake in the Finnish classroom. It was a bit awkward in my opinion bc we were in the wrong classroom but we grin and bore it :D Kersti asked a lot of times whose cake it was but we didn't answer so finally Lauri answered. Little rude :D. Then break ended and German class where Mox and I did an exercise and then practiced our dialogue (Ich BEKOMME Nudeln :D - we read it as "I will become a nudel" :D), answered it and then we did the exercises with the classroom. Then double English without a break. We read/translated/learnt flowers, plants, trees, birds, animals and so on. Bc we didn't have a break our group got away 15 minutes before the class officially ended, so I went to the cookery class but it was closed. I made faces at Kärolin and Aleksandra through the glass door. Then Rigden came and a man knocked on the outside door. Rigden opened it and the man wanted to find the kitchen. When he left me and Rigden thought he was looking for another kitchen :D Then the teacher popped her head through the door and let us in. Rigden and Johannes were talking about Kitzbergs "Kauka Jumal" and I decided to go to the library. After much thought I decided to only lend the mandatory book and then returned to the classroom. The girls were already there and Annu and I ate Lauris Oreo chocolate :3 Lauri moved to a permanent position next to Lauri. We then had a laugh filled Etiket class. At one point me and Annu had to pair up with Oliver and Rigden and they had to compliment us. The whole thing was hilarious and awkward. Then that class ended to and we went and put jackets on. 
As Annu had 45 minutes before her bus she asked if I had time to chill. I said I don't think I do bc I had to go to the dentists at 18:40. We walked to the bus-stop, I crossed the road with it slightly being red. And I jumped on 20 before anyone could react to the knowledge that it arrived at the front of Estonia. Then again I considered buying a sub but din't and got on a bus. Then at home I watched a bit of Disney Christmas and Big Hero 6. Then dad arrived and we mysterized about the fact that Mikk hadn't taken any bags to bring his stuff back from Sweden (his ship left at 18ish). Finally I left for the dentists. I arrived at the troll-stop 1 minute early and was 6 minutes early for the troll. During that time 3 home-buses passed by and one nr 3 troll broke down. Finally after me realizing my boot was leaking water and the troll being either 10 minutes late or one troll was left out of the schedule at all, I arrived at the registrature at 18:41 or smt. Gave away my coat and waited for my file to be given and went up. I think they had just finished and I was afraid someone else was already inside so I didn't go in immediately, but quickly I knocked on the door and apologized for being late. The doctor then asked if I thought everything was okay I said I think so, but I have a new tooth growing, the assistant snorted when I said a new tooth was growing from my gum, but the doc just said that already the year had past and soon it would be May again :D.  The doc then checked my teeth and the assistant was antsy and a bit foul mooded. The doc then fixed one small cavity and I left at 18:57 after being in there for about 10 minutes. I then got my coat and went home. At the final bus-stop I came off the same bus as mom and we walked home together. I chatted with parents ate foods and during the night finished Big Hero 6, talked with stylish 6, snaped with Annu and watched the Imitation Game. And now I will do a quick crossword and bed it is for me :D OH I ALSO LISTENED AND SANG TO FROZEN :D
*Now it's 1:23. I seem to take abou 40 minutes to write these posts. :D

*Currently at bloody 00:36 at night I am watching The Imitation Game and it is at the part of the first or maybe complete cracking of Enigma :D  YAAYY

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