Brushed out poof |
My food had a sauce clump and I didn't eat that one, we ofc chatted and made some outrageous stories at the table and (annu ate all her food :D which is funy bc she is the only one who always (or almost always) finishes her food) then we went and got our gym clotses and before class could start Meigas jumped in and asked if I wanted to go to the Maths olympiad. I stupidly agreed :D. Then it was a lesson of learning the start of WWI and me wondering over when was The Imitation Game set (turns out WWII as Mox checked). Class suddenly ended and we went to gym, where I unsuccessfully tried to put on my t-shirt and sports bra at the same time (I couldn't find the head and hand holes) In gym we did volleyball eexercises(like dunking and lifting) and then we played a bit. I have got to work on my serve, as my serve does not reach over the net. At the end of the game the teacher told us that we had to do our 'jõuharjutused' or we would get 2's , bc class had ended I was confused whether we actually had to do them that day bc I had to go to my bagpipe lesson. So I did my 30 squats and left everybody to get dressed (Lee, Sannu and 2 others were also down there) then me and Lee were supposed to leave together but I'm in a hurry and Lee's feet hurt so I rushed ahead and put my bags donwn in the entrance corridor to go buy a drink but the ccafeteriawas closed so I grudgingly took my bags and went to put my jacket on, I then said bye to Lee just in case I had to leave her behind. I then rushed to the bus-stop but bc I was distracted I forgot about my "other bus" rule (basically, I get on the first bus (excluding 52/32) and get off at Kalev so I have a choice of either 14 or 18.) and Lee caught up with me we chatted a bit about me being thirsty and the bus not coming quick enough. So finally the bus came and Lee sat down and listened to music, while I stood with my bags on the chair. After a while I got tired but decided not to sit.And finally I went off at my stop.
Give a girl a camera and she will s elfie.(...might* selfie) |
Got on my bus, read Beauty queens awkwardly next to a boy who might have been my age. Then got off at soll and bought cinnamon rolls, ginger ale and frog gummies. I luckily got on a 31 ( I had 4 minutes) and rode home. At home I sat on the computer and guiltily looked at my research paper, and made concentrating Spotify lists, read about music covering on YouTube laws, chatted in the YoutuBe thingy, was jealous over SitC tickets selling out (MISSION: Go to Summer in the City 2016)and overall looked at Jimmy Fallons and other peoples videos. Then took a shower around 21 and ate noddles at around 22 and wrote 2 or 3 lines on my research paper. Now at 1:46 I shall go to bed :D
Also I watched Sia -Elastic Heart music video. thought - Pedophilia. Then I researched a bit and when I read about Sia's comment about it actually being about her two warring subconscious sides I got really sad.
Also after this I stayed up for another hour doing my homework for Maths and German and then I read a book in bed :D
I found this in 9gag and showed it to S6 and I have been to the most places with 7 cities, Mox 3, Lee 3, Laura 2, but as me and Mox, and everyone else, except Lura, we might be adding Petersburg.
I have been to:
- Stockholm (2013 and before that for Gotland in 2009? + 2015 summer ABBA)
- Pisa (2013 august)
- Vatican (2013 august)
- Berlin (2014 march)
- Venice (2013 august)
- Rome (2013 august)
- Washington (2014 march/april)
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