Monday, January 12, 2015

Lauras B-Day and 11.01.2015

 Woke up 10 minutes before alarm clock and read one page of "Beauty Queens." Then woke up, ate a ... don't remember, anyways it was one small item. Then I went to my room and opened up my hair :D There was 25 straws in my hair, I showed my parent both the stages. Then I combed each individual curl and my parents went for a walk. I wrote a quote in her card. I then  pinned a few curls back and quickly put on mascara, eyeshadow and lipstick. I then changed my clothes, packed my bag and went to the bus-stop. In the bus I had to stand and there was a drunken gin drinking man there. I then went of at Kunstiakadeemia and went and took money out of the wending machine after a woman returned a bankcard to another woman and a boy looked around nervously.
I then quick walked to the Kuulsaal (I miscalculated which road was shorter) and awkwardly asked Elo, who was standing outside,  if she was to come to Lauras B-day. She then told me yes, but that she was waiting for another person. I then went in and to the second floor, where I revealed my hair and then we waited for Laura. When she came we attacked her and when we were looking for shoes we were told we were on the third floor, so wen clamped into the elevator (Lee, Ave and Mox took the stairs) and got our shoes and got our lanes. My name was inputed first on lane 2 and my name was MadHatter :3 We then ate chicken nuckets, fries, fruitbaskets, pizzas, Kelluke and a kringel, while playing and taking loads of selfies (mainly they were done by Annu on Mox's phone) :D I also fell on my ass a few times and was extra coating of crazy extrovert :D Most of the time I was leading I think (on our lane). Most of the time I hit down 7 or 8, Rarely/sometimes only 3 or smt. The worst was done by Elo. And the third game we could only a little start and was utter crap for me. When the games ended we tried taking group photos and hugged Lauri and left. I went with Annu to the train station bc she decided to go by train. went there stood for a while looking at the gorgeous snow and then she got on and I went on the tram. Then bought a book at Rahva Raamat and went home.
My hair after being straightened by water and just time :D
At home I sat on the computer watching youtube videos and doing buzzfeed quizes as a distraction. Finally at 20:40ish I practised the bagpipes a bit and then later I tried to make the History conspect smaller by deleting the useless bits. While doing this I started watching Unbroken. Now it is 00:54, and I will finish watching this and then pack my bag and hopefully go to bed :3 Also my hair is a curly mess and :)

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