Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Wake up at 7:25? And I was soo tired I thought this early wake up call must be a sick joke and that someone would enter my room and tell me I could go to sleep soon. The usual, then breakfast with dad, a chocolate covered creamy cheese.:)
I couldn't decide which shoes to wear bc it's slippery outside and my autumn boots give me too much slippery freedom. I then put on my new coat and off I went. The coat is surprisingly and unsurprisingly warm :3
When getting on the bus at Mususmägi I got on the same bus as Ave, and Ave had just seen the scene of a car accident (young schoolgirl). We made it to school and went in front of the classroom and sat down and I read my book :) People arrived and at the start of the class e went into the classroom duhh. Math passed quite easily and the teacher maybe made 1 jab but I kept chill and Annu and me really didn't talk and  then literature, where the teacher told me she had been waiting for a letter. Then double German and during the first class we just talked about our holidays. Then a class of learning foods and drinks and then lunch. Potato and minced meat casserole. Then we went and gongratulated Elizabeth whose BIRTHDAY IT IS. Then Math where there were a few more jabs and then Literature where the teacher right at the start escorted me to the activity leader and a woman asked I would perform at the Schools birthday Alumni Concert / Ceremony on the 13 February. I agreed :s :D
Then bagpipe lesson, I didn't know if it was going to happen or not but I did go. At the beginning she gave me  a box of Raffaellos and then we talked abou the new years and stuff and then we found out I've turned to shit bc I didn't play during the Holiday. She then taught me about deeper breathing and we arranged a new class on Mondays.
After class I rode into the city and went to Solaris, checked my bank account, then worried about having enogh money for 2 cakes AND a ballon. Then I went into the store, turns out they DON'T HAVE THE BLOODY CHOCOLATE I WENT INTO THE STORE FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE, I bought eggs and butter and then walked to Subway and got on the bus for one stop. Then went into the foodstore in Kaubamaja and bought the chocolate, glazing, a pizza and I left to go back to Soll to check if they had BLUE glazing and they didn't. Bought someSmurfs and Valgeklaar. Got offended by the flowershop lady bc they sold small ballons at 7.5 euros. Then got on the bus. Thank god I got a seat bc I had my schoolbag, bagpipe and foodbag.  When exiting the bus I almost dropped the foodbag on the ground but caught it. Got home and made two brownie cakes. From about 18-21 bc I drew a minion on Lauris B-day cake. When my mom got home we yelled at each other bc I had put one of the cakes on the chair, and she said it was oily and dirty
Then I finally got to rest and downloaded Galavant and watched Joe's Outlast and Buzzfeed, and Collin Ferguson, Connor Franta, HP8 interviews and stuff. I also posted a photo for Lauris b-day online and did my homework and showered. Now it is 1:26 and I'm finishing this post to go to BED

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