Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Retro day 21.01.2015

Retro day :3 ;)
So had a cool dream where I was Iron Man, my room didn't explode, Merit died of the Strain-like worm virus, woke up in the back seat of a car bc my parents took me to Helsinki, I was supposed to be sent back to USA. Anyway did my make up, dressed and when I was getting my food ready dad left for work and I hugged him. Then I ate my breakfast and was already in the corridor when I remembered I was supposed to take my bagpipe, so I rushed back in took it and then at the bus-stop I was still about 5 minutes or smt early. I then put on my blue glasses near the school and went in front of the History class, where I arrived about 6 minutes before class started and Mox and Lee immediately tried my glasses and did selfies, and Ave quietly commented on my earrings about 5 times.
In history I was pissy with the teacher, bc she started the class with Russian on the screen and a talk about how *everybody's commenting about homework but you must understand first and foremost my policy is of work in class* then there was pair-work that I did alone until Annu arrived and then I answered correctly to the teachers question.
Then the English test after we checked our handouts and I hadn't studied for the test or even sort of read the text the sentences were coming from. Did it, couldn't think of the English word for pesticide and thought of alternatives like 'death to bugs'. Then another History class, me and Lee got out of class 7 minutes early or smt.
Then I went to the fourth floor in search of the Estonian zither teacher and as I couldn't find her went to the Maths class where me and Annu leaned our back on each other and at one point I was hungry and me and Laura and Ave went to the buffet. On our way there Kersti said I had cool glasses. I bought a sandwich and Tõmmu candies. I threw some to Kristjan and Ave. Then when class started I surprisingly could do almost all/or all the given exercises easily. Also Laura tweeted a pic to Isac and she was the only one he answered, she got 100 or 300 retweets/favorites :D
Then lunch break started and I got out of my seat surprisingly fast and quickly ran down the stairs so I would make it before Ave and at the cafeteria we got our food quickly and stole Kärolins seat. Ate the food brainstormed over what 6 person groups we knew that we could portray on Friday.
Then Maths class with the test. We got to pick our own tests and everyone was surprised bc the teacher kept telling us that Taavi completed his first 5 exercises without any equations (peast). Annu and me sat separately so we could choose our own tests and our final question was starred as hard. Did them and left the classroom when the bell rang.
Then I went to the fourth floor again and waited for the teacher awkwardly. This time the little ones had their break and I thought they were occasionally staring at me like 'what is this tall person doing here' Then the teacher arrived and expected for me to play immediately. She let two of her students play Amazing Grace and told me the plans and I then made plans with her that I would show my bp teacher the notes and then find her again next Wednesday and tell her whether I could or couldn't play it.
In German class
I then rushed into German class where I was late, and the teacher asked me about the final task that was the only one I didn't know how to do, but then I found out/realized it was super easy. Then we wrote sentences about ourselves and then the teacher divided us into two groups, the red and green by making us pull pieces of paper. The game ended with us losing by one point (actually I wrote Kaffee right the a just looked like an o) and we all got 3's and the other team got 5's.
Then me and Annu went to Kaubamaja where she picked out a dark reddish lipstick and then we walked back to Soll and she went her way and I waited for my bus. At the bus-stop a rude ass old lady stood right in front-of me.
Anyway when I got home I was pissed and agitated and was rude to mom. And anyway I sat at my computer and ate lasagna and chocolate and watched videos.
At one point I wanted my bass speaker to work and I started tiding the printer and bass speaker and at one point I picked up a stack of papers to read and there was a spider. My reactions:

  1. reaktsioon OMG 
  2. oki ta ei liiguta viskan maha siis kõik korras saan hakkama 
  5. Oki surnd vist 
  6. KRT  liigub veel 
  7. surnd jup 
  8. Keha twitchib iga kord kui ämbliku leiu peale mõtlen ja mõtlen, et äkki seal taga mingi pesa veel.
  9. väiksed värinad ja muidu chill aga siis tuleb meelde, et äkki on ja siis iga sügelus ja juukse liikumine on nagu WTF IS ThAT A SPIDER
And then I called my dad to help me and then I could listen to my music with bass :3 Lee also sent me a good song: C2C - Happy Ft. D.Martin. Also at one point I went through my clothes on what to wear and my mom had put a nice gray sweater in my closet but it was meant for either me or Mikk and as I said it goes to whoever it was made for. Found out it was men's and sadly gave it to Mikk. I also found some old clothes that I could actually wear at home.
Anyways today I bought new dragons and sold old ones. listened to the bass music, chatted with friends, looked at costumes for Friday, read e-tygger, asked the Hopefuls for fast-paced books to read, watched GMM eat scorpions and talk about toilet paper, watched different Chandelier versions
Now It's 23:39 THE RIGHT DAY :D and I'm gonna do my homework while listening to my starred list on Spotify :3
I also got told by Ave that I look like John Lennon and by the English teacher "Beatles are you ready? Who are you John Lennon?"

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