Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
I'm the kind of person who hasn't taken her own goals very seriously. I've set my sight on something knowing I can't follow through. So here are some goals for me:
1. Learn The Highlander`s Farewell by Alasdair Fraser on the violin
2. Learn Hobbit and other on the irish tin whistle
3. learn a song on the ocarina
1. Learn The Highlander`s Farewell by Alasdair Fraser on the violin
2. Learn Hobbit and other on the irish tin whistle
3. learn a song on the ocarina
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Let's start the summer with a bang
1. Finished my research paper and got a 5.
2. Went to St.Petersburg (Ermitaz, Akvaarium, walking 12km for a comic book store and church, Peterhof, Isacu katedraal)
3.Midnight *never have I ever* and bridge
4. Answered one of two russian monologues in a gas station.
5. Went to school for two hours and then VANALINNA PÄEVAD. Lee/Moxi kommentaar "Sa lihtsalt kõndisid sisse ilma kedagi teadmata? Normi." :D
6. Aitasin Kolmel NY Chikkil Katariina käigu juurde jõuda :3
7. Kolmap ruttu rush vanakatelt Kristeli juurde ja siis sealt pärast Carcassonnei mängimist tagasi vanalinna ja moxiga koju
8. Neljap plaanimuutus ja terve päev vanakatel ja vabatahtlike ristimine. Hommikul ka koolis aktus kus pidime püsti seisma -_- ja klassijussitund
*vaheaeg algas*
9.Reede hommikul Viljandisse ja siis kolm päeva torupillilaager, kus ma eriti õppida ei sanud, aga õpetajad olid väga lahedad (Leanne, Eduards ja Torupilli Suits)
10. Torupillilaagriga rongkäikudes ja kontsert :D
11. 7.juuni tagasi linna ja otse rongilt vanalinna päevade vabatahtlike tänuüritusele
12. Esmasp 8 juuni maale ja siis sünnipäev õhtul, millest toasistumise asemel kujunes õues grill chill ja lõkkejutud. Sisse minnes tuli uni ja magamajäämine + osad purjus :D
13. Kolmap 10.06 Esimene tääpäev kus lahe paarike Lancashirest ja õhtul Moxiga Pitch perfect 2.
14. Neljap 11.06 päevaks Tartusse Moxiga rongiga, et Sannule külla ja suitsu viia ja siis skulptuuride jaht ja poseerimine. Sadas vihma ja tuju muutus halvaks :D
15. Reede 12.06 Moxi ja twinseridega grillfest Pärnus, kus 2 korda jääjook, 2 korda šašlõkk, donuts ja cotton candy :D ja paar skulptuuri otsingut
16. Laup 13.06 maal, lõpetasin öösel raamatu "Lying Out Loud" nutsin ka, sest meenutas üksi korterisse jätmist. Õues hammockil olek
17. Pühap 14.06 tööpäev kuni 13
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
BriBry ja vanaema 14.03.2015
Vanaema: panin oranži pluusi.aluspluuusitq ja rinnahoidjat näha, poes valis isa ikka selle koogi ja lilled mis ta ise tahtis. Vanaema juures saime teada, et külalisi rohkem kui ainult meie Mare ja Liina küsisid, et miks ema pole... Liinaga tuli ka silver ja Roomet ja Liisi/a nad olid shyd. Tahaks veel nendega hängida.
Papsil on kõrge vererohk 158 vms oli rahulikult istudes ülemine rõhk

Saturday, February 7, 2015
Jupiter Ascending 07.02.2015 Sandra, Helena 19:15
Jupiter Ascending (2015)
An ambitious, epic universe marred by one dimensional characters and a stumbling script
3 February 2015 - 53 out of 74 users found this review helpful.
When I give this film a 6, it's being a bit generous. Trying to put myself in other people's shoes, I'd say this film probably range anywhere from a 3 to a 5, and then there will be those who hate it. Still, I am likely to lean on the side of one of the few who likes the film. But it's a mixed bag. Sure enough, the special effects, action, and other elements are fantastic. But the film does little to develop it's own character beyond their archetypes and the script seems content to stay average at best.
Jupiter Ascending actually paints a pretty fascinating sci-fi universe. As it turns out, Earth, and thousands of other worlds like it, are owned by a number of different families which act like corporations who seed these worlds. Once the worlds become over populated, their people are harvested to create a youth serum which keeps those living in the corporate society young for millennia after millennia. In this case, the Abraxis family is one of the most powerful and each of three heirs is vying for control of Earth. Standing in their way, however, is Jupiter Jones, who turns out to be the genetic reincarnation of the Abraxis' sibling's mother, and claimant to the throne of the family.
If all of that sounds like a lot to take in, it is, and easily the best part of the film. The Wachowski's have a talent for creating fascinating worlds that feel complete. Here, they have created a massive sci-fi universe the likes of which we haven't seen in at least a decade, maybe longer. It's very clear that their ambition extends beyond just this one story. In fact, there are hundreds of fascinating stories that could be told about this universe. The idea of a corporate controlled universe is timely, and where we've seen this story played out before about the giant corporation versus the little guy, it's never quite been told on this scale.
It's a shame then that this ambition is wasted on a story that doesn't seem to capitalize on such a universe. The story is good, but the script is lacking and the characters never really become all that interesting. They end up feeling like caricatures meant to introduce us to this world we've entered. They're histories are explained and they clearly have fleshed out back stories, but they feel almost lifeless in that they seem to be here only to be an aspect of this world and not a full character. Even as a lead character, Channing Tatum as Caine feels like little more than a body meant to perform choreography and defend Milas Kunis' Jupiter. At the very least, Jupiter is a sympathetic character who shows shades of change, but even she often feels like little more than a narrator meant to ask question for exposition purposes. Eddie Redmayne seems to have the juiciest part, and though he still seems to be a one dimensional villain, he shows emotional depth that the other characters lack.
Most people I suspect will have trouble forgiving the lack of a truly meaningful script and characters that are too one dimensional. But the good news is that the film isn't a complete loss. The action, which the Wachowski's have proved to have a handle on, is fantastic. This is Star Wars level stuff, with space battles and well choreographed martial art duels. The cool tech thrown in, like the gravity boots, add some imaginative spice that once again shows the Wachowski's propensity for finding ways to justify making a 12 year old's imagination a reality. It's some truly fun stuff. Likewise, the world we're introduced to looks fantastic. The special effects make believable some very interesting and exciting details, such as the multitude of gadgets and weapons we're witness to. It's clear that the Wachowski's have set out to create a unique universe, and in my estimation, they have succeeded. I'm a sucker for this kind of world crafting, and so they get higher marks from me.
Of course, I can see why the film was pushed back to the dumping grounds of February. This was meant to be a summer blockbuster, but up against so many big, successful films, it would have a hard time competing. I have the distinct feeling this is going to be a film that gets left behind this year, especially in favor of bigger films being released throughout 2015. Had the film been more focused on it's characters and less on exposition of the universe we're witnessing, then I feel it could have succeeded and become a modern sci-fi classic. But as is, it falls short. Honestly, I do hope for a sequel to this, if only to see this universe continue to get development. Perhaps a sequel would fulfill the ambition the Wachowski's clearly seek to build upon.
Nõustun selle reviewga, vist täielikult.Lühidalt: So, in all honesty, the reviews for this are pretty accurate. One dimensional characters, flat script, so on, so on. But, I also liked it. I am a sucker for world building and a deep story full of detail, and this one has it. The Wachowski's clearly know the world they've created and it's very detailed and interesting. It's just a shame that their ambition falls short in this particular story. The action was at least entertaining and the film looks fantastic. I would love to see more stories about this world. Not necessarily movies, but if they DID do a sequel, I hope that it fulfills their ambitions because this is a great sci-fi universe they've created. Also, gravity boots are awesome.
ma hindaks nii: visual 10, world 10, script 2 characters 1, costumes 10, music 4
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Woke at 11 and the again at 13. Lugesin jne, paps läks poodi toiduaineid ostma. Tegin siis pitsat ja keeksi. mingi hetk eelkaitsmist
Ärkasin 2 tundi varem ja üritasin magama jääda selle aja jooksul uuesti, veits tukkusin. Inka, siis aiku kus õps õnneks lükkas edasi arutluse. Siis eelkaitsmine mille pärast ma hakkasin HULLULT närvama ja siis kui kuulsin esimest kaitsjat mõtlesin, et lähen koolist välja, sest arvasin, et kutu, ei lasta kaitsma jne, aga läks päris hästi. Reinert andis soovitusi (teiste ajal Kiisa hävitas kaitsjaid) ennem UT kohta. Küsiti paar küsimust, Tarvo ütles, et esitlus oli kindel ja kõik vajalik teada antud, küsis paar täpsustust, Kissa küsis mu nime kohta.
Torupillis "mediteerisime" tglt aitas mul keha tunnetada, et ma ei mängiks õlg ja käsi pinges. Ja siis koju kus lugesin The Bone Seasoni lõpuni. Selle lõpp oli veits mage
SURPRISE MUTHAF***** Jung is back. Selgus, et kunstiperiood pidi olema, aga tunniplaani tegija unustas selle tunniplaani lisada. Oli siis Jung, kirj, saksad, kus tegime eksamit ja Popoval oli Patrick klassis. Patrick (Popova 3/4 aastane poeg) jooksis klassis ringi ja lasi meid ja andis komme ja kinke osadele, ühel hetkel käitus liiga halvasti ja sai pahandada. Siis mata, kus õps ütles,et oli pahandada saanud, et ma pole kandleõpsi juures käind. Lõuna sain lebolt kätte, päris hea ka makaronisingivorm :3 ja saksade vahel saime tunnist varem lahti ja pufetist kiirelt toidu kätte.
Igastahes torupill, kus jälle keha asend ja siis Amazing Grace. Käisin poes, ostsin konni ja kaks üllatusmuna (Merida ja Jasmine) ja vaatasin raamatuid mida võiks osta (Girl Online, City of Heavenly Fire, Bane Chronicle, Maze Runner).
Tulin koju vaatasin aliexpressis asju ja saatsin papsile, et võiks tellida (Superman müts, ukulele, flower crown, headband, juukselips ja cheshire cat phone cover) ja siis kella 20ne paiku mängisin Amazing Gracei
Igastahes vaatasin Sky Highd ja jälle istusin lihtsalt arvutis. Paps oli uue mp3 saanud mulle :3
Kell on praegu 23:53 ja hakkan oma 4 homseks tööks õppima (esikohal saksa siis aiku, teised vaatan enne tundi)
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Olin siis kodus ja kadetsesin, et teised uisutavad. Oli köha veel, aga õhtul vist polnud palavikku. Tahtsin kooli reedel, aga ema ei lubanud pessu minna ja igaksjuhuks jäin koju siis. mis siis ikka FR, The Bone Season...
Tahtsin kooli, aga ei lastud. Räägiti sellest kodunduse lõputestist, et kas ma teeksin kõne :D, Kirjutasin siis ka 31.01 kell 2ni öösel õpsile UT-ga seoses ja saatsin pp ja UT algse
Ärkasin 12 paiku rahulikult, sest vaikus oli. Mamps tuli ütles, et tennist vaatavad. Siis lugesin 14-ni Bone Seasonit. Otsustasin, et tahan kinno ja raamatukokku ja pessu, ehk siis kella 14 paiku pessu, siis sõime lõunat ja kuivatasin juukseid kella 15:40 vmsni ja käisin raamatukogus, võttis võhma välja. Tulin tagasi koju, segasin venda, kes tegi kaartidega midagi jälle ja siis kella 18:45-sele bussile ja saime Sannuga sollis kokku. Lido (käis peol ja kõik unustasid, et triinukesel sünna), kino (Mortdecai. Sandra ostis pileti ja kommid ja juua, ja kinos lollitasin ta kaameraga :D) Bussikas mleh(ehk istusime 20+ mintsa ns seal, sest vale kava oli ees ja siis teise peatusesse; näitasin ka TimeForTea channelit) ja koju. Nüüd 1:33 ja lugesin just TBS ja varsti voodisse lugema.
HAkkasin American Authors uuesti kuulama :3
Olin siis kodus ja kadetsesin, et teised uisutavad. Oli köha veel, aga õhtul vist polnud palavikku. Tahtsin kooli reedel, aga ema ei lubanud pessu minna ja igaksjuhuks jäin koju siis. mis siis ikka FR, The Bone Season...
Tahtsin kooli, aga ei lastud. Räägiti sellest kodunduse lõputestist, et kas ma teeksin kõne :D, Kirjutasin siis ka 31.01 kell 2ni öösel õpsile UT-ga seoses ja saatsin pp ja UT algse
Ärkasin 12 paiku rahulikult, sest vaikus oli. Mamps tuli ütles, et tennist vaatavad. Siis lugesin 14-ni Bone Seasonit. Otsustasin, et tahan kinno ja raamatukokku ja pessu, ehk siis kella 14 paiku pessu, siis sõime lõunat ja kuivatasin juukseid kella 15:40 vmsni ja käisin raamatukogus, võttis võhma välja. Tulin tagasi koju, segasin venda, kes tegi kaartidega midagi jälle ja siis kella 18:45-sele bussile ja saime Sannuga sollis kokku. Lido (käis peol ja kõik unustasid, et triinukesel sünna), kino (Mortdecai. Sandra ostis pileti ja kommid ja juua, ja kinos lollitasin ta kaameraga :D) Bussikas mleh(ehk istusime 20+ mintsa ns seal, sest vale kava oli ees ja siis teise peatusesse; näitasin ka TimeForTea channelit) ja koju. Nüüd 1:33 ja lugesin just TBS ja varsti voodisse lugema.
HAkkasin American Authors uuesti kuulama :3
Thursday, January 29, 2015
25-29.01 HAIGE
Olin kodus, algselt vaatasin ühe epi masterchefi emaga ja ta saatsime sõnumi klassijussile, siis magasin, siis kella 14 paiku arkasin ja hakkasin filme jne vaatama. Vaatasin nightcrawlerit ja 15.11paiku läks mamps mu torupilli viima. Kella 16tõusis palavik, aga aint 36.9ni ja vaatasin ka sense and sensibilityt. Vhattisin triinu ja teistega, lõpetasin Kauka Jumala, vaatasin try guys try bdsm, Galavant 1 ep,.... 00.17 paiku vms tegin kirjanduse kodukat ja saksa ja muud 00.58 saan magama, sest strepsils imetud ja lugessin veits the Sky os everywherei Mikk molises mudkui, et stimeelirin täna.... -_- Krt mul oli tglt ka sitt olla. Kurk siiani veider.
Plaanisin algselt kooli minna, sest tuli meelde et palju asju vaja teha, aga kodus mõtlesin loogiliselt, et saab edasi lükata.
Jäin koju valusalt köhima. Natuke tegin uurimustööd aga ei saanud oma eesmärki (õpsile eelkaitsmise kohta saata) tehtud, ema päevläbi uuris ja küsis mult, et mida teha. Istusingi siis kella 11 paiku kella 17 paiguni arvutis ja siis tahtsin voodis raamatut lugeda, aga väss ja siis 18:08 vms Master Chefi perega vaatama, pärast seda jäin sinna palava tekki alla üritasin raamatut lugeda, aga tulin ära kui bingo hakkas ja lebasin voodis ja lugesin ja tukkusin ja siis 22 vms paiku jälle arvuti. nüüd on 00:43 ja olen 10 Things I Hate About You'ga 1:15:44 peal :) Pärast seda voodisse ja Bone Seasonit lugema. I stink :3 Tahaks täiega uisutama homme, aga haige :( Ja Annu puudus ka täna, aga sest tal kõhugripp :(
Olin kodus, algselt vaatasin ühe epi masterchefi emaga ja ta saatsime sõnumi klassijussile, siis magasin, siis kella 14 paiku arkasin ja hakkasin filme jne vaatama. Vaatasin nightcrawlerit ja 15.11paiku läks mamps mu torupilli viima. Kella 16tõusis palavik, aga aint 36.9ni ja vaatasin ka sense and sensibilityt. Vhattisin triinu ja teistega, lõpetasin Kauka Jumala, vaatasin try guys try bdsm, Galavant 1 ep,.... 00.17 paiku vms tegin kirjanduse kodukat ja saksa ja muud 00.58 saan magama, sest strepsils imetud ja lugessin veits the Sky os everywherei Mikk molises mudkui, et stimeelirin täna.... -_- Krt mul oli tglt ka sitt olla. Kurk siiani veider.
Plaanisin algselt kooli minna, sest tuli meelde et palju asju vaja teha, aga kodus mõtlesin loogiliselt, et saab edasi lükata.
Jäin koju valusalt köhima. Natuke tegin uurimustööd aga ei saanud oma eesmärki (õpsile eelkaitsmise kohta saata) tehtud, ema päevläbi uuris ja küsis mult, et mida teha. Istusingi siis kella 11 paiku kella 17 paiguni arvutis ja siis tahtsin voodis raamatut lugeda, aga väss ja siis 18:08 vms Master Chefi perega vaatama, pärast seda jäin sinna palava tekki alla üritasin raamatut lugeda, aga tulin ära kui bingo hakkas ja lebasin voodis ja lugesin ja tukkusin ja siis 22 vms paiku jälle arvuti. nüüd on 00:43 ja olen 10 Things I Hate About You'ga 1:15:44 peal :) Pärast seda voodisse ja Bone Seasonit lugema. I stink :3 Tahaks täiega uisutama homme, aga haige :( Ja Annu puudus ka täna, aga sest tal kõhugripp :(
Monday, January 26, 2015
Woke up feeling shit. Ate the bread. Basically played HTTYD phone game on the phone, watched videos, ....
My temperature rose to 37.2 by 23ish...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

When mom, dad and bro weren't home from 14:55-16:06 made videos. Sang defying gravity.
And my throat started getting sick, watched a few short movies (Sintel and Blinky ..)
Had a nap from 17 to 19 or smt. Before that we had lunch, and I only ate the soups liquid :D
Downloaded movies, got rid of the virus.
Chatted with the girls, a new person was added to Youtube Thing. Yeah, read a bit of Kauka Jumal ,watched Strawburry17 in horror amazement parks..GMM, Conan. Cleaned my google drive a bit :D
Also found out from the news that there was a Scottish day in Haapsalu. And that Scotland or smt have made and given Estonia their own national tartan :3
Saturday, January 24, 2015
TEKO, "bartending", animation research, murder house 23.01.2015
Wasn't late to school. Didn't have to retell as the teacher "knew I could do it"-I hadn't studied :D
TEKO, to early and the break mix up. Teko tour and uncomfortable staring by the buffet table instructor. Blending/shaking a drink. Home, sleep, Sandra and her mom infront of the ohouse, me rushing to get dressed. Murder house, and crashing a birthday party and back home and animation research :) Mikkule tickets, and finding new books and accidentaly downloading a shity thingy that deleted some of my chrome apps and is messing it up right now. AND Listening to A LOT of Defying Gravity -Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel :)
TEKO, to early and the break mix up. Teko tour and uncomfortable staring by the buffet table instructor. Blending/shaking a drink. Home, sleep, Sandra and her mom infront of the ohouse, me rushing to get dressed. Murder house, and crashing a birthday party and back home and animation research :) Mikkule tickets, and finding new books and accidentaly downloading a shity thingy that deleted some of my chrome apps and is messing it up right now. AND Listening to A LOT of Defying Gravity -Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel :)
Friday, January 23, 2015
Rock, Immortals (BH6), something new something old 22.01.2015
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Me being me :) |
I thought I was gonna be late for the History test, but I arrived with a lot of my classmates and I changed my shoes and made my way to the fourth floor. I wasn't late and I even got to chat with Mox, Ave and Annu a bit. Me and Annu then went to the bathroom mirror so she could tie a bandanna bow in her hair and then we went to class. For the test we had to separate our tables and Kristjan asked me twice for answers. We also had to describe a caricature (I thought it was of how the big shots are sending the norms out to die, but Mox and others thought it was the fear of death in the trench wars). I finished all of them except a question about Russia -_- which wasn't supposed to come....
Math, we walked into the class with each of our tests on our table. I got 4/5 because I hadn't bothered to describe how I got my result but you have to in the exam and one of them wasn't complete and one had a tiny error in the end. Mox and Ave had fewer faults than me but they got 4's. During class we revised the topic we had just had a test on, I played around with my empty valgendaja and at the end threw it at Mox.
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Me and Annu after classes Rock :) |
German. During the break we were panicking over whether we had homework or not, then we had to prepare some answers for some questions. Because I got so nervous I was feeling sick and went to the bathroom. And came back to the first pair answering really slowly which resulted in us ((with M) to only have to answer small sentences.
Then Lunch with CHICKEN.
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Maria and Lee |

On our way to Coca-Cola Lee and Ave went one way and I wanted to go through the warm and when entering Kaubamaja Laura got picked up and hugged by a very enthusiastic blonde friend. They then continued to talk about Isac, Robin and Finland and then finally me and Laura said by and made our way to CCP.
There I called dad to ask if I could go eat after the movie with Sannu and could he add some money so I could buy a drink. He agreed and me and Ave went outside without our hats on, ran into Mox who was just coming, and made it to the bank where we luckily opened the banks door :D and then ran back. Lee was printing tickets. Then Lee, Ave and Laura went up and me and Mox bought candy and she bought the drink thingie with Baymax. Then packed our stuff and when upstairs where Lee was loading her phone. I then bought a drink and went to the bathroom, when I got out I put my phone on loading too, but Lee came out quick and Mox bought popcorn and Baymax drink for Ave to and we went upstairs. There we sat in the highest row in the middle and in the cinema room there were at least 2 american families :3 (one of them was from Minnesota). Then Laura took a pic of our tickets and then the lights got dim. Before the movie was a short movie about a dog called "Feast which was really cute. I got an impression from Lee's reaction that it would be a sad one but it was a happy one instead. Anyway the movie started and I started shaking from excitement. Unfortunately the noise level was a bit low. Anyway it was awesome we had a LOT of laughs :D and good. The music was super good during the evil Baymax and Hiro's break-down.

I then left the girls and walked with my shut-off almost empty phone to Solaris. I quite liked the walk, I liked the fact that there weren't a lot of people and traffic and dark :)
I then met Sandra and we went to Vapiano where Roger was working and waved at me. Sandra then awkwardly told her order to the cook who would quickly forget what she said. When we started heading to the table Roger came out from the cookery area and hugged me and asked what had been going on. I said I had just been to the movies Big Hero 6. He told me to drop his name for a friendly discount:D I am SOOOOO embarrassed to write that at that moment I FORGOT his actual name.
He then left and we sat down at a table where I quickly looked up his name. For a moment I thought it was Oliver. Anyway I then shut off my phone and caught up with Sannu.
Then she escorted me onto the bus where in the bus-stop she could easily smoke and we hugged, byed and off she went and off I went.
I made it home, played FR, chated with the buds and listened to BH6.
Now it it 1:47 and I should go to bed as it is NOT Saturday tomorrow as I keep thinking :D
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Retro day 21.01.2015
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Retro day :3 ;) |
In history I was pissy with the teacher, bc she started the class with Russian on the screen and a talk about how *everybody's commenting about homework but you must understand first and foremost my policy is of work in class* then there was pair-work that I did alone until Annu arrived and then I answered correctly to the teachers question.
Then the English test after we checked our handouts and I hadn't studied for the test or even sort of read the text the sentences were coming from. Did it, couldn't think of the English word for pesticide and thought of alternatives like 'death to bugs'. Then another History class, me and Lee got out of class 7 minutes early or smt.

Then lunch break started and I got out of my seat surprisingly fast and quickly ran down the stairs so I would make it before Ave and at the cafeteria we got our food quickly and stole Kärolins seat. Ate the food brainstormed over what 6 person groups we knew that we could portray on Friday.
Then Maths class with the test. We got to pick our own tests and everyone was surprised bc the teacher kept telling us that Taavi completed his first 5 exercises without any equations (peast). Annu and me sat separately so we could choose our own tests and our final question was starred as hard. Did them and left the classroom when the bell rang.

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In German class |
Then me and Annu went to Kaubamaja where she picked out a dark reddish lipstick and then we walked back to Soll and she went her way and I waited for my bus. At the bus-stop a rude ass old lady stood right in front-of me.
Anyway when I got home I was pissed and agitated and was rude to mom. And anyway I sat at my computer and ate lasagna and chocolate and watched videos.
At one point I wanted my bass speaker to work and I started tiding the printer and bass speaker and at one point I picked up a stack of papers to read and there was a spider. My reactions:
- reaktsioon OMG
- oki ta ei liiguta viskan maha siis kõik korras saan hakkama
- Oki surnd vist
- KRT liigub veel
- surnd jup
- Keha twitchib iga kord kui ämbliku leiu peale mõtlen ja mõtlen, et äkki seal taga mingi pesa veel.
- väiksed värinad ja muidu chill aga siis tuleb meelde, et äkki on ja siis iga sügelus ja juukse liikumine on nagu WTF IS ThAT A SPIDER
And then I called my dad to help me and then I could listen to my music with bass :3 Lee also sent me a good song: C2C - Happy Ft. D.Martin. Also at one point I went through my clothes on what to wear and my mom had put a nice gray sweater in my closet but it was meant for either me or Mikk and as I said it goes to whoever it was made for. Found out it was men's and sadly gave it to Mikk. I also found some old clothes that I could actually wear at home.
Anyways today I bought new dragons and sold old ones. listened to the bass music, chatted with friends, looked at costumes for Friday, read e-tygger, asked the Hopefuls for fast-paced books to read, watched GMM eat scorpions and talk about toilet paper, watched different Chandelier versions,
Now It's 23:39 THE RIGHT DAY :D and I'm gonna do my homework while listening to my starred list on Spotify :3
I also got told by Ave that I look like John Lennon and by the English teacher "Beatles are you ready? Who are you John Lennon?"
english class,
Puke smelling school food and 20.01.2015
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Not me. From e-tygger |
Brother watched sucker punch
Also it was style week, theme: pj
GMM, and Emma's announcement of making videos rarer for better quality.
And hatched 7 eggs on FR

Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Monday, school 19.01.2015

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Me in school cafeteria |
At 12:14 I got a suprise message from Andre wanting help/critique on his music. He played the piano and guitar and it was GOOOD
From 22 smt I did my homework of Math (which I've forgotten), German and BP. I plan on doing my Literature before class starts tomorrow.

Movies seen:
- She's all That
- John Tucker Must Die
- The Breakfast Club
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
- Back to the Future
- A Cinderella Story
- Mean Girls
- A Walk to Remember
- Sixteen Candles
- Grease
- 10 Things I hate About You
- 13 Going on 30
- Bring it on
- Legally Blonde
Also: Mikk's back :), they didn't wit for me for dinner, and when I pointed out my hair they were like oki.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Lazy day :3 18.01.2015
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The movie |
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Cute foxes |
Sunday, January 18, 2015
17.01.2015, lasagna and saturday

Then.. I don't know, sat at the computer? chated with the youtubers, watched videos, did my daily FR.
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The collage |
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Lasagna |
getting caught-up with a few tv-shows.
Now it is 3:45 and I'm waiting for my video to stop exporting and, don't know whether to put it on YouTube already or go to sleep :)
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