Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014. the year I started Postcrossing

Some time in August Lee sent us a link to this site and I joined and these are my stats as of 30.12.2014. Tglt olen saatnud +3 kirja, aga pole kohale jõudnud.


All originally from a tumblr post

Saturday, December 20, 2014

"Casino Royale" jõuluball ja jõuluturniir

Korralik päeva algus. Ehk siis kella 3:56ni tegin kleiti. Õmblesin pluusi valmis, varrukad külge, kaelaaugu ja seeliku külge. Lemmikosa on vöö ja seelik. Närvidele käivad varrukad ja see, et seelik veits liiga madal. Kui kleiti peegli ees proovisin tuli ema ja vaatas ka kleiti oma unises olekus :D Ütles, et täitsa tore kleit :)
Olafi sugulased
Kella 4:20ne (;)) paiku sain pessu mindud ja siis juuksed rätikus voodisse kella 4:59 vms :)
Äratus siis kell 7:00 ja üldse ei tahtnud ärgata. Mõtlesin, et saadaks klassiõdedele sõnumi, et kas okei, et ei tule, sest ikka nii väsinud:s aga tirisin, ens voodist välja, panin juuksed patsi jne :D hommikust sõin vb mdea ei mäleta enam :D
Nr 31st jäin paari minutiga maha ja siis 67/68 peatusesse ootama. Tra kll need bussid nii harva sõidavad nüüd võrreldes eelnevaga -_- Kooli jõudsin siis ilusti :) grumpy mcgrumpmeister kuidagi energiline :D
Vaatasime siis turniiri nii, et istusime seal nurgas, selg vastu külma seina ja mul tekk peal. Anne-Maril, Avel ja mul kaamerad väljas ka klõps klõps klõps :D Poistel olid pluusidel lahedad sõnad ja numbrid nt Anderol 42 ja Kenil 69 ja Henril "The King" ja Ilvesel "Pilves" :D ja 11ndikel oli oktoobris(?) kättesaadud pluusidel Philipsi logo :D
Tõusin vist esimest korda pärast 8:06 paiku mahaistumist alles kella 11:40ne paiku vist :D Lähksime Villenskaja juurde ja ta tegi meile väikse klassijussi veerandtunni :D et enne reedest kontserti ei peaks minema :D Siis läksime tagasi ja senikaua oli Pets mu kaamera ära näpanud ja pildistas sellega, mida ta jätkas ka hiljem :D Hiljem sai ka Anne-Mariga vetsus käidud. Esimesele ei saanud, sest see oli laastatud ja lumememmeb prillaua külge kleebitud :D Siis teisele korrusele, kus oli HUGE lumememm, kellega sai loomulikult pilte tehtud ;). Anne-M tantsis veits piltide jaoks ja keemiaõps nägi teda :D
Turniiril siis meie klassi esindas Taavi, Ken ja Andero, teised üheteistkümnendikud olid Tommy, Karl Laas, Kent, Robert, hm.... Dan vms, Enamus mängud, kus 11 vs keegi, võideti.
Selle tegi siis Pets
Finaal matš 11 vs 12. By Pets

Turniiri ajakava:

8:00-9:00 Põhikool-[VS]-X
9:00-9:45 X-[VS]-XII
9:45-10:30 Põhikool-[VS]-XI
10:30-10:45 3punkti viskevõistlus
10:45-11:30 Põhikool-[VS]-XII
11:30-11:45 Pealtpaneku võistlus aliasega dunk contest
11:45-12:30 XI-[VS]-X
12:30-13:15 XII-[VS]-XI

Kuidagi terve päev oli nigel tulemus. Ei saadud korvi, pall kukkus maha jne. Pealtpanekud ja viskevõistlus oli ka sitasti. Franco ei saanud sisse enamus ajast ja pealtpanekul oli ka visketulemus keskmine umbes 4/15 ja viskas mingi 6 vms õpilast. Parima tulemuse sai Dan (vms) kes sai (minuarust)teisel kattsel 7/15. Oeh jh. Franco üritas dunkimisel üle kolme poisi (Taavi, Andero ja Ken), aga Taavi osutus liigseks. Tegi kaks hüpet kummalgi korral ei saanud sisse. Komenteerija rääkis ka viskevõistluse ja dunkimise ajal, mis oli päris naljakas :D Nt Franco ajal, et "hüppas üle tühja põranda" jne :D 12ndikud tegid ka mingid bowlingueffekti mingi hetk
Pärast turniiri võitjate autasustamist, osalejatel šoks ja tunnistus ja kaptenile (Henrile) kook, küsis Kent, et tiimist pilti tehaks. Anne sai aru, et ühest teisest tiimis ja ei läinud, aga siis veensime ta minema ja värisedes tegi 11ndikest pilti. (pidi veits ka ootama, sest 12 tegi ka)

Siis suundusime Hessi Lauri, Moxi, Ave ja Anne-M-ga, kus A-M ja ma sõime torillljjaaat ja A,M ja L sõid juustuburksi vist. Siis mõnusalt bussile ja Moxi juurde, kus Annu-M, Mox ja ma end valmis panime naeruga jne. Annu-le ei meeldinud mu folk muusika :D (Lumineers ja London Grammar :D) Mingi hetk hakkasid kaksikud ka meid vaatama ja juttu ajama :D naljakas oli. Üks neist toitis Moxi kui Mox Annu juukseid lokitas
Foto E-Tüügerist
Siis Ave tuli ka üks hetk ja olime seal ja siis bussile ja kooli. Mox hüppas korra maha, et emalt ehteid saada ja siis kooli.

Kooli jõudsime 18:40ne paiku, ehk vara, aga õnneks polnud esimesed. Ootasime koridoris kuni sisse sai. Suurim šokk oli Meigase kostüüm o.O NAGU WOW :D
See oli päris mõnus šokk. kõik nägi hea välja ainult selgus, et "saab sofadel istuda ja puhata jne" tähendab reserveeritud nurka kuhu kõik ei saa -_- ehk siis 3 tundi kontsadel püstiseismist. Minu teooria on see, et pausid olid mõeldud koridori istumaminekuks. Söögilaud oli väga hea ja kujundus (va toolide puudumine), valgustus (va näkku paistmine ja pimestamine) jne oli kõik hea. Kava läks täitsa persse.
Mida siis ka nägi:

  • esinejad, polnud parimad, aga ka mitte sitad,
  • toit hea
  • jook vähe
  • awkward esinejate sisenemised
  • koridoris puhkajad
  • photoshoot päris sitas kohas, sisse/väljaminek raskendatud :D
  • Ukse üle komistamine :D
  • Erinevatele korrustele ja klassidesse minek, et juua ja välja, et suits. Oeh kui mõnus oli hiljem minna garderoobi ja siis räige suitsupahmakas näkku õuest :D
  • kõlarijuhe rippumas laest
  • vilistlased :) gangstariietes ja ns ballil
  • Pursuit of Happiness ja "Albatross" laulud ja bass
  • Gardes viinapudelid ja purjus lennukaaslased :D
  • "Buss oota meid"
Lõppkokkuvõttes oli päris kohati südmusterohke õhtu. Reklaamiti paremat kui eelmine aasta.... kujundus jne jah oli parem, aga kava oli eelmine aasta parem. -_-
Turniirilt siis: järgmine aasta videokaamera kaasa ja Annu-M fotokaamera :D Jõuluball: 2014 kujundus(see effort ja läbimõeldus)+ toolid, +  , 2013 kava :)

Tööprotsessi areng

Nüüüd olen otsustanud, et lähen midagi praktilist õppima. Isa pärast TTÜsse. Kui tahangi laulda vms siis pärast ülikooli

Friday, December 5, 2014

"Secret" santa

Today I sent off my Hopeful secret Santa gift to Emma in Sweden.
The gift consisted of
  • candies, 
  • deathly hallows neck-watch, 
  • notebook, 
  • a few pictures of Toothless, Pascal, Mushu and Olaf, 
  • chamomile tea and 
  • some hand knit finger-less gloves
  • a card of Santa
I hope she likes the present. The gloves came out a bit huge, but comfy :D

Sending process: 
  • On Tuesday I laid the final plans, and bought the notebook, tea and some chocolates and yarn
  • on Wednesday I did nothing :D 
  • On Thursday I went to the post office and got the box,... and packed the gifts and finished the gloves 
  • On Friday (because of the Olympiad) I went to the store at 12:44... Tiger and food store and bought candies and a card, they didn't have small smelly candles :(
  • Then In school I packed it properly and wrote the card, and went with my friends to the post office and sent it on it's merry way for 14 euros :D (after waiting for 25 people to get their business done...)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tulevik 2


*Ela oma elu.
*Ära karda teiste arvamusi. Oled siia sattund, et elada.
*Kõik mis peaks juhtuma võib juhutda
*Oled mõeldud selleks teeks mida ette võtad

Sügis 2015 plaan:

Jookse Muusikalise teatri tuleviku suunas. Perse läheb siis läheb perse. Tähtis on kirg.
Teenijad ja töötuolemine on sitt, aga vähemalt proovisid.



Alates oktoobri lõpust (vähemalt enne 25.10.2014) kuni praeguseni (10.11.2014) olen ma olnud 99% kindel, et tahan minna inglismaale teatrikooli ja õppida muusikalides näitlejaks.
Miks see mulle meeldiks
1. Armastan laulda. Laulan koguag POTO, Into the Woods, Frozen, Sweeney Todd vms laule
2. Kuna ma tahaks kõike teha (kirjanik, esineja, arhitekt, keemik, advokaat, proffessor, kokk, arst, ajakirjanik, laulja, lillepoe omanik, pulmakorraldaja...) siis näitlemine on parim võimalus seda kõike kogeda. Ei ole küll võimalik 100% kogeda seda ala, aga saan teha endale sellise tunde nagu oleks
3. Meeldib tähelepanu. Ma ütlen küll kõigile, et ma tean et olen sitt laulja, sest ma tglt arvangi et olen sitt laulja, aga ma tunnen ja kuulen , et ma laulan hästi
4. Ma olen spaz. Koguaeg vibreerin, räägin palju jne käin tunnis närvidele
5. Laulmine tekkitab sellise õige tunde.
6.Tahan kohtuda nende imeliste inimestega, kes sama tunnevad

Miks ma arvan, et mai saa näitlejaks:
1. Arvan, et ei oska piisavalt hästi laulda
2. Arvan, et mus puudub omadus teiste reaktsioone hinnata ja neile reageerida
3. Laulan sittasti
4. Kardan, et muudan meelt ja jään plindrisse ülikooli valikuga/ülikoolis olles/pärast ülikooli

Kui ma lähengi läbi plaaniga minna ülikooli, ja peaksingi otsustama, et ei sobi siis:
1. uut ala kohe õppima
2. kohvikusse vms tööle
3. raamatukogu õpsiks
4. õpetajaks uus õpe

1. õpetaja
2. kirjanik
3. vlogger
4. mac

Mina, 10.11.2014 Kaari Kaasik, oleks ülimalt uhke kui tuleviku Kaari oleks kuskil laval esinemas.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day numero uno 08. September 2014

When I'm sick and I have to wake up early, I feel like I've been rolled over with a rolling pin, squashed by a bugsquasher, fried in a deepfrier and baked in Alaska. Or in other words I hurt all over, nose is clogged, throat sore and skin feels like I've been in an oven and cooked alive. But heya at least the sunrise is pretty :D
The first class of the day was gym and I decided to go in my gym clothes because I couldn't be bothered to change my clothes and then change them again almost half an hour later. Pointless :D 
I got new gym pants and they're so uncomfy. The material is just ugh bleh cringey :(
My days usually all start the sam, I wake up, feel like shit, go to the bathroom, back to my room, change clothes and then pick up my stuff and go into the foyer, I drop my bag on the floor and go to the kitchen where I usually have something sweet to eat because salty foods don't sound appetizing that early and I don't want to upset my stomach. 
Because I had to go to my first class, that meant my parents were up and we all finnish our morning preps at about the same time so were all bustling around the kitchen, me and my dad are more like zombies, and I get annoyed really quickly in the mornings, because my mom is really talkative especially in the mornings.
I have to take two buses to get to school, this morning as I was getting on my second bus, I planned on sitting right in the seat that is by the door, but a man squeezed past me and sat down before I could, so I sat down two rows from that seat in a seat facing his seat, and in my mind I was grumbling not nice words :D and sarcastic thank yous toward him. I should tell you that when I walk on the street without the intention of running into someone, my eyes don't recognize/see familiar faces. So I had been sitting there for about 5 minutes when I realized that the seat next to the seat-robbing-man was taken by my literature teacher. I nodded hello to the teacher and silently thanked the man for robing my seat :D
When I got off the bus my classmate Ave walked up to me, it turned out she was on the same bus a few seats away from me, and I felt like a derp. :D
We hold our clothes in the basement of our school where there are hangers and soon-to-be-returned lockers. And in the mornings it is a complete madhouse. Firstly I think every elementary class starts the day with the first class and so there are a bunch of tiny little children blocking the way and suddenly turning and just being tiny people you have to keep in mind not to squash accidentally. Secondly the kids have some kind of thing where they wont go up to the 4th floor until their teacher takes them so they block the staircase going up. And lastly the bumbling parents - there are at least 3 bumbling parents that seem more nervous than the students on the first day of school.
We have a new student this year, and as we were about to leave the wardrobe/cloakroom (oh google translate you really are a gem :D )  she asked us where the changing rooms were, so we waited for her and then showed her where to go, because we were going there anyway :D
First gym class :s oh the stretching, oh the warm up run, oh gym... :s -_- :D we survived. Luckily according to the current timetable we have only one class and then the second class is at the end of the school day. Mirjam overstretched some muscles and I was breathing bad :D
The Second class is Music. I like our new teacher. She is also the vice principle (?) of the school and the choir master (?) :D She can be strictish but shes cool and funny. We listened to this awesome Trout song and Figaro's aria. Is started laughing every time where Figaro sang the Lalala part :D Let it be :D
During the break I handed out some of the cake (it might be called a pound cake, I only know it tastes good and is easy to make :D) Laura loooved it, Lee liked it too, I offered it to Kärolin and handed her a big peace but it fell to the floor :D I joked that Mirjam and Ave weren't getting any because they hadn't been in the classroom when I was giving it. But I gave them some :)
During the rest of the class we sang the Trout song and I had a stuffy nose and my ear crept being weird when I swallow..
I hate the fact that now there are more people in the 10th grade, because it's harder to find places to sit during lunch. I didn't eat because it was supposed to be some kind of mexicanishi food, but I don't like corn or beans..
Our new teacher talks to us in baby. Aka she says every word loudly, often is repeatish and acts like we're stupid. :) I probably will want to murder her in the future, but not right now, and probably never actually.
The last class of the day was again gym. And YAYYYY I have improved my running of a 100 meters by 2 second. YAYY :D we winded down with some stretches and the teacher talking about the importance of stretching. She compared stretching to not wiping your bum enough after a poopy. :D
Because Mirjam was in no hurry to get home, she had to go bowling at 16:30, we were among the last to leave the field, and me being the kind good soul that I am :D noticed that some of my friends had left their jackets outside and I took them in.
Me and Mirjam then battled through the crowd in the locker room and changed our shoes, we went to the busstop where we sat down for a while. 
Now my school is right next to one of the main highways, and it is currently being completely remade and fixed so the traffic Coming off the bridge (I call it a bridge but everyone else says it's an overpass -_-. I do what I want :D) is really bad. suddenly Mirjam just starts running onto the bus and I laugh and cuurse her while running after her. I could have dropped something or left something on the bus-stop seat. (The weather had suddenly got summer hot :s Can I say we wer baked? Yes. Yes we were. :D) Before I could sit down Mirjam made a noise and stared at the air. Apparently there might have been a bee, but she wasn't sure and I'm terrified of bees so I carefully sat down, afraid that the bee was somehow under the seat :D  D:
Me and Mirjam went to Hesburger, which is like Baltic/Finnish/Scandinavian/Northern McDonalds :D. There I got a tortilla and a coke. I normally don't drink coke but my friend Sandra told me that coke helps her when she is sick, that it kills the bacteria. Why not try :D As we were eating I told, while eating and struggling because the wrap kept getting stuck to my teeth, of the movie experience I shared with Karl and Sandra
Me, Karl and Sandra went to see the new horror movie As Above/So Below on Friday, and surprisingly at times it was bloody scary. And Karl was sitting in between me and Sandra. The funny parts:
  • because Karl was scared he kept hiding under his sweatshirt
  • someone was laughing during the start credits and it makes me laugh when I hear people laughing
  • there was a jumpscare; during it someone screamed and I got scared so much I made a tiny scream myself, for the first time in horror watching history for me (maybe :D)
  • at one point I gave Sandra my hand to hold and squeeze and our hand holding acted as a seatbelt for Karl. During the movie I could feel him getting hotter, trapped under the sweatshirt. Sandra squeezed my fingers until they hurt. And later Karl told us that because Sandra was shaking so bad our hand holding started vibrating on him ;D
During one point Triin appeared and we went to the new store Tiger where we fangirled over the cheap and cute objects (eg. cactus-pen, animalonesies,..) When we were going to the store Mirjam saw a giant brain walking around and we planned for Mirjam to take a picture with him/it/her, but when we stopped with the elevator on the first floor Mirjam told us she was joking so we continued on. When we were done with Tiger we went up so Mirjam and Triin could go bowling and I went home. 
I was tired when I got home and went to take a nap, and then my dad came with a letter from the mailbox addressed to me from Taiwan, because of the postcrossing thingy, and dad asked me to write a letter for my brother because I've done it before. I told him I woulnd't because I might accidentally send it to China :D
I tried reading the mandatory book, which currently is "Pere Goriot" the book was too detailed and I was tired :D
I saw the new promo for AHS. I AM SOO EXCITED. What is with Evan Peters' character's hand and was that last person supposed to be Jessica Lange and super tall? :) we shall see. 
Went to bed at 2 or smt

Oh and I registered for the new classes in HEXRPG. I am a proud 5th year, although I don't have time to study today :s :D

Good night and see you tomorrow :D

New buys: lantern, tweezers, apple lip-gloss
New band/singer discovered: Melanie Martinez

Monday, September 8, 2014

New blog new day

Im a gonna start writing here. Hopefully everydayish.