Thursday, January 29, 2015

25-29.01 HAIGE

Olin kodus, algselt vaatasin ühe epi masterchefi emaga ja ta saatsime sõnumi klassijussile, siis magasin, siis kella 14 paiku arkasin ja hakkasin filme jne vaatama. Vaatasin nightcrawlerit ja 15.11paiku läks mamps mu torupilli viima. Kella 16tõusis palavik, aga aint 36.9ni ja vaatasin ka sense and sensibilityt. Vhattisin triinu ja teistega, lõpetasin Kauka Jumala, vaatasin try guys try bdsm, Galavant 1 ep,.... 00.17 paiku vms tegin kirjanduse kodukat ja saksa ja muud 00.58 saan magama, sest strepsils imetud ja lugessin veits the Sky os everywherei Mikk molises mudkui, et stimeelirin täna.... -_- Krt mul oli tglt ka sitt olla. Kurk siiani veider.

Plaanisin algselt kooli minna, sest tuli meelde et palju asju vaja teha, aga kodus mõtlesin loogiliselt, et saab edasi lükata.

Jäin koju valusalt köhima. Natuke tegin uurimustööd aga ei saanud oma eesmärki (õpsile eelkaitsmise kohta saata) tehtud, ema päevläbi uuris ja küsis mult, et mida teha. Istusingi siis kella 11 paiku kella 17 paiguni arvutis ja siis tahtsin voodis raamatut lugeda, aga väss ja siis 18:08 vms Master Chefi perega vaatama, pärast seda jäin sinna palava tekki alla üritasin raamatut lugeda, aga tulin ära kui bingo hakkas ja lebasin voodis ja lugesin ja tukkusin ja siis 22 vms paiku jälle arvuti. nüüd on 00:43 ja olen 10 Things I Hate About You'ga 1:15:44 peal :) Pärast seda voodisse ja Bone Seasonit lugema. I stink :3 Tahaks täiega uisutama homme, aga haige :( Ja Annu puudus ka täna, aga sest tal kõhugripp :(

Monday, January 26, 2015


Woke up feeling shit. Ate the bread. Basically played HTTYD phone game on the phone, watched videos, ....
My temperature rose to 37.2 by 23ish...
We ate lunch together, practised bp, mum, dad and bro watched movies.. Got rid of the virus again, caught up with doctor who, and chasing life, downloaded new tv-show episodes to be on track with them, took a shower, and I have fewer pains so bye going to bed to read at 00:08

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Woke up a bit before 12, ate porridge.... LAAZZY day :)
When mom, dad and bro weren't home from 14:55-16:06 made videos. Sang defying gravity.
And my throat started getting sick, watched a few short movies (Sintel and Blinky ..)
Had a nap from 17 to 19 or smt. Before that we had lunch, and I only ate the soups liquid :D
Downloaded movies, got rid of the virus.
Chatted with the girls, a new person was added to Youtube Thing. Yeah, read a bit of Kauka Jumal ,watched Strawburry17 in horror amazement parks..GMM, Conan. Cleaned my google drive a bit :D

Also found out from the news that there was a Scottish day in Haapsalu. And that Scotland or smt have made and given Estonia their own national tartan :3

Saturday, January 24, 2015

TEKO, "bartending", animation research, murder house 23.01.2015

Wasn't late to school. Didn't have to retell as the teacher "knew I could do it"-I hadn't studied :D
TEKO, to early and the break mix up. Teko tour and uncomfortable staring by the buffet table instructor. Blending/shaking a drink. Home, sleep, Sandra and her mom infront of the ohouse, me rushing to get dressed. Murder house, and crashing a birthday party and back home and animation research :) Mikkule tickets, and finding new books and accidentaly downloading a shity thingy that deleted some of my chrome apps and is messing it up right now. AND Listening to A LOT of Defying Gravity -Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel :)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Rock, Immortals (BH6), something new something old 22.01.2015

Me being me :)
Soooo today, I was almost late to school because I made myself a rock makeup AKA a bit thicker than usual eyeliner and wings + purple lipstick :3 Hugged dad, chatted with mom a bit bc dad left and she thought I was dad. (ROCK STYLE DAY)
I thought I was gonna be late for the History test, but I arrived with a lot of my classmates and I changed my shoes and made my way to the fourth floor. I wasn't late and I even got to chat with Mox, Ave and Annu a bit. Me and Annu then went to the bathroom mirror so she could tie a bandanna bow in her hair and then we went to class. For the test we had to separate our tables and Kristjan asked me twice for answers. We also had to describe a caricature (I thought it was of how the big shots are sending the norms out to die, but Mox and others thought it was the fear of death in the trench wars). I finished all of them except a question about Russia -_-  which wasn't supposed to come....
Math, we walked into the class with each of our tests on our table. I got 4/5 because I hadn't bothered to describe how I got my result but you have to in the exam and one of them wasn't complete and one had a tiny error in the end. Mox and Ave had fewer faults than me but they got 4's. During class we revised the topic we had just had a test on, I played around with my empty valgendaja and at the end threw it at Mox.
Me and Annu after classes Rock :)
Then Literature class before, which we went to the buffet where the lady stole 1 euro from me, I bought a yogurt with chocolate rings and a kõrrejook. And because I was sooo time wasteful and unable to concentrate, Mox dictated my essay for me to write with her correcting on the go, and I had to write during the break.
German. During the break we were panicking over whether we had homework or not, then we had to prepare some answers for some questions. Because I got so nervous I was feeling sick and went to the bathroom. And came back to the first pair answering really slowly which resulted in us ((with M) to only have to answer small sentences.
Then Lunch with CHICKEN.
Maria  and Lee
Then double English class where we read and translated the injuries text 3 times and at one point because the teacher was okay with our translation and pronunciation abilities we had to listen to other groups and help them pronounce. We were let out 5 minutes before we were supposed to.
As I didn't know what to do before the movie, whether to go home or hang out with Lee and Ave and Mox, I tagged along until the library and I gave away Solf 1 and Tõde.. And then I decided to hang out with them. We then started heading towards Estonia pst Coffee In, changed direction to check our bank accounts, then Lee got the phone call from Maria, we then went to the Reval Cafe across from Karneval and then we bought coffees and cakes (I bought my coffee with the help of Lee. But even with 3 pack of sugar it was mõru :D Okay okay I was eating a rather SWEAT cake :D) At one point Maria arrived and as I am awkward at the beginning Lee and she chatted. Anyway at one point we all started chatting and laughing and getting along really well (asked her about Youtubers (Jack & Finn), books, Merit, I should do a collection for the designing thing, WE4C plans, that we should get help from  Pelgu instead). At one point Mox had to leave for her driving lesson, and we continued sitting there. At one point a tourist (we're guessing by the accent) when leaving angrily told us "Hästi röögite! Welcome to Estonia Motherfucker!", to which Estonias immediate response was "Your Welcome" anyway once he had left we started analyzing what the frick had we done and was he Estonian and so on. Anyway the atmosphere was ruined and we decided to switch places. I then went to the bathroom which smelled like iluvõimlemine and when coming back up the stairs one of the workers was carrying big boxes down the stairs and I decided to go back down because there was no room, then suddenly a big box came flying down and I could go up after a worked with a big but and slow walk :D we then left and sadly left Maria.
Walked to the cash machine and then to Apolllo where I ruined Lee's chipper mood and welt really bad, tried finding a book for Ave and then Hesburger when Laura arrived. I finally decided to buy a tortilla and then we sat, chated, took pics and ate. When Laura was almost done suprisingly Sandra came who wanted to get a quick bite to eat before leaving for the Opera with the class, we chatted, she left and then we left also.
On our way to Coca-Cola Lee and Ave went one way and I wanted to go through the warm and when entering Kaubamaja Laura got picked up and hugged by a very enthusiastic blonde friend. They then continued to talk about Isac, Robin and Finland and then finally me and Laura said by and made our way to CCP.
There I called dad to ask if I could go eat after the movie with Sannu and could he add some money so I could buy a drink. He agreed and me and Ave went outside without our hats on, ran into Mox who was just coming, and made it to the bank where we luckily opened the banks door :D and then ran back. Lee was printing tickets. Then Lee, Ave and Laura went up and me and Mox bought candy and she bought the drink thingie with Baymax. Then packed our stuff and when upstairs where Lee was loading her phone. I then bought a drink and went to the bathroom, when I got out I put my phone on loading too, but Lee came out quick and Mox bought popcorn and Baymax drink for Ave to and we went upstairs. There we sat in the highest row in the middle and in the cinema room there were at least 2 american families :3 (one of them was from Minnesota). Then Laura took a pic of our tickets and then the lights got dim. Before the movie was a short movie about a dog called "Feast which was really cute. I got an impression from Lee's reaction that it would be a sad one but it was a happy one instead. Anyway the movie started and I started shaking from excitement. Unfortunately the noise level was a bit low. Anyway it was awesome we had a LOT of laughs  :D and good. The music was super good during the evil Baymax and Hiro's break-down.
When the movie part was over and people started leaving I said "they obviously don't know this is a Marvel movie" aka end-of-the-credits-scene. The girls (Lee and Mox at least) were excited over the fact that it was actually Stan Lees voice.
I then left the girls and walked with my shut-off almost empty phone to Solaris. I quite liked the walk, I liked the fact that there weren't a lot of people and traffic and dark :)
I then met Sandra and we went to Vapiano where Roger was working and waved at me. Sandra then awkwardly told her order to the cook who would quickly forget what she said. When we started heading to the table Roger came out from the cookery area and hugged me and asked what had been going on. I said I had just been to the movies Big Hero 6. He told me to drop his name for a friendly discount:D I am SOOOOO embarrassed to write that at that moment I FORGOT his actual name.
He then left and we sat down at a table where I quickly looked up his name. For a moment I thought it was Oliver. Anyway I then shut off my phone and caught up with Sannu.
Then she escorted me onto the bus where in the bus-stop she could easily smoke and we hugged, byed and off she went and off I went.
I made it home, played FR, chated with the buds and listened to BH6.
Now it it 1:47 and I should go to bed as it is NOT Saturday tomorrow as I keep thinking :D

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Retro day 21.01.2015

Retro day :3 ;)
So had a cool dream where I was Iron Man, my room didn't explode, Merit died of the Strain-like worm virus, woke up in the back seat of a car bc my parents took me to Helsinki, I was supposed to be sent back to USA. Anyway did my make up, dressed and when I was getting my food ready dad left for work and I hugged him. Then I ate my breakfast and was already in the corridor when I remembered I was supposed to take my bagpipe, so I rushed back in took it and then at the bus-stop I was still about 5 minutes or smt early. I then put on my blue glasses near the school and went in front of the History class, where I arrived about 6 minutes before class started and Mox and Lee immediately tried my glasses and did selfies, and Ave quietly commented on my earrings about 5 times.
In history I was pissy with the teacher, bc she started the class with Russian on the screen and a talk about how *everybody's commenting about homework but you must understand first and foremost my policy is of work in class* then there was pair-work that I did alone until Annu arrived and then I answered correctly to the teachers question.
Then the English test after we checked our handouts and I hadn't studied for the test or even sort of read the text the sentences were coming from. Did it, couldn't think of the English word for pesticide and thought of alternatives like 'death to bugs'. Then another History class, me and Lee got out of class 7 minutes early or smt.
Then I went to the fourth floor in search of the Estonian zither teacher and as I couldn't find her went to the Maths class where me and Annu leaned our back on each other and at one point I was hungry and me and Laura and Ave went to the buffet. On our way there Kersti said I had cool glasses. I bought a sandwich and Tõmmu candies. I threw some to Kristjan and Ave. Then when class started I surprisingly could do almost all/or all the given exercises easily. Also Laura tweeted a pic to Isac and she was the only one he answered, she got 100 or 300 retweets/favorites :D
Then lunch break started and I got out of my seat surprisingly fast and quickly ran down the stairs so I would make it before Ave and at the cafeteria we got our food quickly and stole Kärolins seat. Ate the food brainstormed over what 6 person groups we knew that we could portray on Friday.
Then Maths class with the test. We got to pick our own tests and everyone was surprised bc the teacher kept telling us that Taavi completed his first 5 exercises without any equations (peast). Annu and me sat separately so we could choose our own tests and our final question was starred as hard. Did them and left the classroom when the bell rang.
Then I went to the fourth floor again and waited for the teacher awkwardly. This time the little ones had their break and I thought they were occasionally staring at me like 'what is this tall person doing here' Then the teacher arrived and expected for me to play immediately. She let two of her students play Amazing Grace and told me the plans and I then made plans with her that I would show my bp teacher the notes and then find her again next Wednesday and tell her whether I could or couldn't play it.
In German class
I then rushed into German class where I was late, and the teacher asked me about the final task that was the only one I didn't know how to do, but then I found out/realized it was super easy. Then we wrote sentences about ourselves and then the teacher divided us into two groups, the red and green by making us pull pieces of paper. The game ended with us losing by one point (actually I wrote Kaffee right the a just looked like an o) and we all got 3's and the other team got 5's.
Then me and Annu went to Kaubamaja where she picked out a dark reddish lipstick and then we walked back to Soll and she went her way and I waited for my bus. At the bus-stop a rude ass old lady stood right in front-of me.
Anyway when I got home I was pissed and agitated and was rude to mom. And anyway I sat at my computer and ate lasagna and chocolate and watched videos.
At one point I wanted my bass speaker to work and I started tiding the printer and bass speaker and at one point I picked up a stack of papers to read and there was a spider. My reactions:

  1. reaktsioon OMG 
  2. oki ta ei liiguta viskan maha siis kõik korras saan hakkama 
  5. Oki surnd vist 
  6. KRT  liigub veel 
  7. surnd jup 
  8. Keha twitchib iga kord kui ämbliku leiu peale mõtlen ja mõtlen, et äkki seal taga mingi pesa veel.
  9. väiksed värinad ja muidu chill aga siis tuleb meelde, et äkki on ja siis iga sügelus ja juukse liikumine on nagu WTF IS ThAT A SPIDER
And then I called my dad to help me and then I could listen to my music with bass :3 Lee also sent me a good song: C2C - Happy Ft. D.Martin. Also at one point I went through my clothes on what to wear and my mom had put a nice gray sweater in my closet but it was meant for either me or Mikk and as I said it goes to whoever it was made for. Found out it was men's and sadly gave it to Mikk. I also found some old clothes that I could actually wear at home.
Anyways today I bought new dragons and sold old ones. listened to the bass music, chatted with friends, looked at costumes for Friday, read e-tygger, asked the Hopefuls for fast-paced books to read, watched GMM eat scorpions and talk about toilet paper, watched different Chandelier versions
Now It's 23:39 THE RIGHT DAY :D and I'm gonna do my homework while listening to my starred list on Spotify :3
I also got told by Ave that I look like John Lennon and by the English teacher "Beatles are you ready? Who are you John Lennon?"

Puke smelling school food and 20.01.2015

Not me. From e-tygger
School, slept during the first long break, a puke smell was spreading throught the school (i thought it smelled like the vapiano cheese, it reminded me of vapiano) bagpipe lesson where we practiced a bit, talked a bit, then home where I slept from 18:30ish-22:30ish. and computer and homework at 00:00. then shower at 00:45ish and now 1:15ish to bed
Brother watched sucker punch
Also it was style week, theme: pj
GMM, and Emma's announcement of making videos rarer for better quality.
And hatched 7 eggs on FR

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Monday, school 19.01.2015

In the morning mom didn't notice my new hair. On my way To school I realised Big Hero 6 has 6 characters and there are 6 people in our group so I made everybody take the test.
At school S6 saw my hair was shorter but no big deal. An easy and boring day with only 3 lessons. Before english we found out me and Annu are Fred, Mox and Lee are Hiro and... Had to do quick writing in History. At Lunch a new Russian teacher, that Bets warned us to stay away form and that she's bad, skipped in line in front of me using the 'I'm a teacher' card. They weren't meatballs like they were supposed to be.
Then when classes ended I didn't know what to do and finally went to Abakhan with Annu, Ave and Mox for a moment and then the library and McDonald's with Mox :3 We ate the Happy Meal :D Then we split and I went to my bp lesson, where I was surprised as the previous lesson had just ended. Then we chatted about movies, played, asked me about the theory I was supposed to learn and I was caught at not having read it.
Me in school cafeteria
When class ended I got on the bus and listened to music with my eyes closed ignoring the cute guy. Then when I got home I watched a few GoodMMvideos and watched Earthsea, which I found to be tooooo oldy and watched the Pillars of Earth instead :D, participated in Hazel's win a camera giveaway (didn't win), laughed over Evan's videos, gmailed, FR'd, sent my entry for the 'What should we do for Ed Sheerans b-day', listened to good music on Spotify and talked with S6...
At 12:14 I got a suprise message from Andre wanting help/critique on his music. He played the piano and guitar and it was GOOOD
From 22 smt I did my homework of Math (which I've forgotten), German and BP. I plan on doing my Literature before class starts tomorrow.

Annu sent this list and I've seen the most movies. Others have seen 2-4 movies.
Movies seen:

  • She's all That 
  • John Tucker Must Die
  • The Breakfast Club
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Back to the Future
  • A Cinderella Story
  • Mean Girls
  • A Walk to Remember
  • Sixteen Candles
  • Grease
  • 10 Things I hate About You
  • 13 Going on 30
  • Bring it on
  • Legally Blonde
Also: Mikk's back :), they didn't wit for me for dinner, and when I pointed out my hair they were like oki. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Lazy day :3 18.01.2015

The movie
Woke up a bit before 13 and then started reading the book, and dad immediately came in, said hi and I continued reading. Then at 13:45 got out of bed and sat on the computer watching videos (Good  Mythical Morning, Tom) and reading stuff and chatting with my friends. Then stayed in pajamas for the whole day. Chopped 15 cm of hair off at 23:15ish. Also tidied my table and did my English homework at about 20ish and started my history presentation at 18ish. At 17 I was thinking of starting my homework. And at 21 I remembered I had to practice my bagpipes, so I didn't practice them. Also watched Madam Secretary, 2 episodes, watched Labyrinth starring Jessica Brown Findlay and.., and reignited my love of medieval stuff and searched for books. Triin sent me a link of a booktour and then I searched and tried downloading those books. And watched one episode of fear factor. Also at one point sat on tumblr. :) Now it's 00:38 and I'm gonna make some plans and then go to bed
Cute foxes

Sunday, January 18, 2015

17.01.2015, lasagna and saturday

Woke up at 12 smt to my lamp hitting the bed-frame and conveniently mom came in soon so I couldn't hide the fact that I was awake. Then bathroom, kitchen where mom got a bit pissed bc I said I don't eat omelets, which she should know as I haven't eaten one ever :D
Then.. I don't know, sat at the computer? chated with the youtubers, watched videos, did my daily FR.
The collage
Anyway when my parent went to the store I gave dad a list of things to buy, bc I convinced them I was gonna make lasagna. I considered making a video but I couldn't be bothered to. When dad arrived home first I helped but away the things and then I started organizing the making of the lasagna, by printing it out. Mom arrived at one point. Basically the lasagna ended up good, edible. What happened was that the white sauce didn't want to tie with the milk and I ended up burning it and as I was doing it all alone I ended up rushing around the kitchen. And dad poured a ton of  spices in it to hide the burnt taste. We ate it, mom thought it was saltless, I thought it was spicy and hot. It was kinda good. Sometime I felt the burnt taste. Anyway ate it, survived and yeah :D SUCCESS
After eating I read some Delfi articles and at one point I got angry and took a nap at 18. And woke up at 21. And then proceeded to watch videos, make a collage for Sannu's b-day, did a test to find out my ideal job... again. And edited my video, and watched Pride and Prejudice :D, Divergent and Wild, and tried
getting caught-up with a few tv-shows.
Now it is 3:45 and I'm waiting for my video to stop exporting and, don't know whether to put it on YouTube already or go to sleep :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

16.01.2015 School and movies with Sannu, the barely legal one :D

Cookery class, :3
Woke up at 8:35 and lengthened my alarm by 10 minutes. Then got up, went and printed my monologue, then changed my clothes and went to have breakfast which was a chocolate Emma cream thingy and then went to the bathroom and when I was in there mom came home. Then I washed my hands and face and packed the food for cookery class (sour cheese, feta and tomatoes), hugged mum and left for the bus. I think I got on the 31?
Once I arrived in school I waited a bit for Ave and we waited for Laura and then we waited for Mox, and we were already moving when we saw Annu-M coming and we continued on to the cookery class, where we put the stuff in the fridge and so on :D When we were leaving the classroom I did something stupid with the door and a few younger girls were watching me. When we were out of the classroom Mox/Laur/Ave/Annu told me the girls looked at me like 'what kind of worm are you' or smt :D Then headed to English classes where I put down my bag, and then headed out to chat with the others but they were studying for the test so I went into the classroom where we talked and shared our monologues.
mah eyes
Then an English class with a mishap with the teacher saying 'kahetsematult and haletsusväärselt' are the same :D and her saying the paged wrong but for a reason. The double Literature which went over swell, turns out we were supposed to prepare questions. So then I had to say a number and the number picked had to do their Andres monologue. Listened to it and then we had to ask questions. When I asked a question about the 1 page in the book where Andreses 'political' beliefs are inclined. And I knew that he wasn't gonna know (Rigden) but the teacher told me that I would have to answer it, and I didn't remember the right answer. Then one number got said for Pearu and luckily it wasn't me, it was Kärolin, we then asked her questions. Then break time, where Mox, Laur and Ave went to the buffet and those who stayed in class had to be quiet bc Kärolin and the teacher wanted to practice Kärolins beauty reading. Then was class time, Joanna performed as Mari and then after the teacher talked a bit, it was food time. An apple, some-kinda soup, lemon-pumpkin-bread casserole and then I went to the doctors office where after filling out a questionnaire, the nurse did a annual or just a health checkup and then I went to class where I did the filling, helped with other stuff and finally after eating a lot of FETA :D we got our cookery group picture taken by the teacher by the coffee table spread and then we started eating.
After that Me and Mox headed to Rahva Raamat on the same tram as Laura, and we looked for Mox's drivers ed book. And then I quickly got on the bus as my stomach was acting out in a weird way and I didn't wanna poop my pants. So on the bus a lady let me sit beside her and when I got home said hi to mom, and sat on the computer? until 18:50. At one point dad came home and ..(I at least played FR)
Artsy fartsy
(don't remember). Anyway 10 minutes before I had to start dressing I made myself some eyes, trying to imitate Carrie H. F.. My bus was supposed to leave at 18:56. So then I quickly flew by mom and dad in the kitchen and hugged dad and carefully slipped to my bus-stop, where it turns out my bus was supposed to leave at 19:00 instead. which was fine by me as I made it to Soll before Sannu and got to check my bank account, and buy a pair of earrings from Tiger. When Sannu came, we checked her bank, a man stood behind Sannu angrily ,bc she was taking a lot of time :D, then she wanted to go for a smo and when we returned we went to Lido where we ate grilled chicken and potatoes and chatted and then went to Apollo where she looked for Baila, but was chicken enough not to buy it yet as it's written on it 18+. Then we bought popcorn and I got BAYMAX bc Sannu bought me a children's combo :3 :D And then we proceeded to go upstairs where I tried looking for sugar popcorn topping but they were all salty :( and then we walked to the cinema rooms door and sat there until we were let in and then we chatted and went to the bathroom and then the movie began and we chatted during it to.
Things I got today. The most important being
Poser :D
We watched "Big Eyes" which stars Amy Adams and Christopher Waltz, directed by Tim Burton. It had a very "Pushing Daisies" reminiscent start. The movie was good. I found out I don't care for art I care for visually pleasing items. And the evil character was a douche. It was soo good to learn that the villain died of bitterness and that the original painter is still alive :3 then we went behind Estonia where the ground surrounding the statue looked like an ocean or smt, it was just soo ice shiney. She smod and almost burnt my hair and we tried setting a popcorn on fire but it didn't. On our walk to go down Viru street I put the popcorn in a plastic bag and then in my backpack :D*clever* and we proceeded to walk down until Katariina käik where she smo's again and we talked about penises :D and then I told her about kindergarten and Misha and then we continued on down Russia street to the bar street and then to the bus-stop until I finally got on a bus and got home.
At home I sat on the computer waiting for my parents to go to sleep so I could make a video, but I'm too tired and I'll be going to bed soon :3 It is now 3:04 I have cleaned my eyes, addded photos to this and will be goin to bed now :D BYeee

also read facts on DidYouKnow
Lana Del Rey - I can fly
Lana Del Rey - Big Eyes
And one Emma video, Good Mythical More and FunForLouis :)
Also changed the background of this blog from the diary sketch thingy to this sunset picture :)

Friday, January 16, 2015


New one I bought after seeing Lee's one.
Name is: Cerridwyn :)
Woke up multiple times, before my alarm clock bc my mom kept coming into my room and just because I might have done my fill of sleeping. Mom at one point asked me if I wanted porridge, I said yes, but let me sleep for another 15 minutes my alarm clock's at 10:35. I then slept saw an awesome dream with something about a ballet school.. Then ate moms peach porridge which had a pretty soupy quality .Then I made a bun, but on my outdoorsy thingies and hugged mum and off i went.
Wanted one with a primary
 Crystal gene
Wanted to know what a coatl looked like and this
cutie just made me want to immediately buy it
When I got to school I wanted to hang with my friends for a bit as I had arrived 30 minutes early. On the stairs I ran into Mox and Ave who were heading for the nurses office for the general health and stuff exam. Avvu game me my History test, which was graded weirdly and I only had redlined mistakes in the definitions area. Then I awkwardly hung around on the second floor and then went to class 302 where Lee's group had French, and we went into the classroom and I asked about what had happened during the day and we chatted about flight rising. I then headed towards class 307 5 minutes before the Olympiad was supposed to begin but I got there when the class was already full and they at first couldn't find the 11th grade Olympiad test. Then I got it (one of the women grumbled that some people were late for the instructions. NO I fucking wasn't. I have been to two Olympiads and they let people in about 10 minutes early and told the directions on the dot.) and spent the next 3 hours looking at people leaving with either smiles or grumpy, incredulous faces and trying to solve problems. I spent 2 hours trying to solve the problem with a, b, c being different numbers and their combinations combined are 3 times the amount of the three digit number aaa. Did a whole shebang to finally realize I had misread and added two numbers to the possibilities and randomly a number 126 popped into my mind and I tried it and it worked out. I then a few minutes before 3 decided to stop (after writing up my long explanation and randomly wrote down an assumption to another exercise) and gave away the paper and left.
Wanted a dragon with a Carribean
shimmer secondary gene :)
As I couldn't be bothered to go home I went into Cookery class, thinking it was the second lesson. Chatted with the galls, ate Ave's snacks and listened to the teacher. Then we divided the foods we're gonna have to make, Mox got pissed bc she was dividing stuff and we weren't paying attention to her. I got a bit panicky and then we put on outdoor clothes and went to the bus-stop. Where Mox was in good spirits, we then crammed into the bus and I made two phone calls, one to ask what my mom wanted and the other to tell my dad that we have to go to the store.
Me and Annu-M went off at the Freedom Square and went into Solaris In Solaris we walked back and forth multiple times to find seats, I then suggested going into Apollo and sitting there. I played flight rising and Annu was on Instaram? and tried to sleep a bit. Then at 16:35 we rose up and went downstairs. We separated at the Apple store and I got on my bus on the other side of the road and read a bit of The Sky is Everywhere. It got a bit weird, bc Lennie's showing feelings for her dead sisters boyfriend/fiancee Toby.
From a music video whose Section
Quartet cover sounds like
something fro the Light Princess :D
Anyways got home Dad was still dressed, I then went to the bathroom and as my dad was gathering the garbage so I decided to throw away my garbage to. We then went out (I showed the light to my dad so he could lock the door) and while going down the stairs I wrote to S6 that do I need to buy anything more. The caught up to dad, who was making long strides away. Then threw away the garbage and went to the store where I didn't notice the red tomatoes right in front of me, bought some fitaki (although we had to but fetaki :D) and some sour cream which we swapped for spices instead of chive sour cream (bc they didn't have the right size of it). Then we bought the stuff, I carried the toilet paper and slipped back home. At home I unpacked the stuff, drank coke and ate ice cream. I then messed around with my computer updates and when it was alright again with the elp of dad I sat on flight rising, selling my new hatchlings and buying new ones with specific genes. And during this time dad made a new sitting place for his chair, but it's hard and a bith high :D. In S6 we then chatted about the "Tõde ja Õigus" characters and at 19:00 Sandra called me and we chatted about our Friday plans, our week, the want for a movie night, reminiscing about old times, about a Leadership USA thing opportunity, she ordering me to make an appointment with Dream Foundation to figure out what to learn and just chatting. I then took a shower and during my shower mom made it home.
I then sat on the computer and watched Good Mythical Morning & More (eg 'what if... with Daniel Radcliffe), Jimmy Fallon interviews and FunForLouis videos o.O His life is AMAZING. I also bought tickets for tomorrow to go watch Big Eyes, which caused a bit of a rumble, bc I hadn't read the fact that Sandra wanted to buy them tomorrow bc Triin maybe wanted to join us. But she has work so she couldn't come. Now it is 1:06 and I'm watchin FunForLouis. It is now 2:21 and I have finished my monologue (took about an hour) and I'm posting it in Estonian. I think maybe here. Not sure, mby the other one. :D So now bed time :D (and listening to Sia :D)
I wanted to:
  • write up my research paper theory
  • write my monologue
  • edit my video
Also my teeth hurt at one place and it's really bugging me :D
The first page of my dragon nest. These are supposed to be my most favourite ones/prettiest ones ;D As of 15.01.2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Woke up at 7:35 and then lied there for 5 minutes? and dad thought I was sleeping in so he opened the door for a minute. Then I did the usual, ate a cinnamon bun and an Activia, so that maybe it would settle my stomach. Then explained to mom why I wasn't in dance classes (the reason being I didn't have a choice and when I did my friends didn't want to join me and I didn't want to do it alone). So then I put on my outdoor things, hugged dad (who put my moms jeans on her towel and when mom saw it see started screaming :D). When I got out of the building I saw the 31 heading for the bus- stop so I tried running on it, I didn't make it bc it was slippery, there were cars driving and I couldn't cross the rode and when I ran behind the bus the bus closed the doors 10 seconds too early. So then I slipped my way to the tunnel bus-stop and waited for the bus there. When it came I got to sit down and read Grave Mercy. Then I switched buses and I got to sit on the next bus to. And when crossing the road I at first didn't notice that Kissa was on the same bus with me. Then I took off my outdoor things in school and went in front of the History classroom. Today's schedule:

History class
  • History: WWI where the teacher was pissed at Laura being the third person not to listen or pay attention in class
  • English: test where I wrote in really chunky English and probably blew the test, and our klassijuss came and collcted the money for skating and I found out what the 9nth grade klassijuss' names are
  • History: Filled in a table about the military lines in WWI and was pissed at the teacher bc I didn't notice that the teacher had the year 1917? written twice and I wrote one of the dates in the wrong box, and the teacher kept saying "Okay everybody is ready now" ..-_- I was NOT, Also answered Olivers research paper questioner about time usage
  • Math: Did our homework peacefully :) The teacher even calmly answered my questions :) 
  • Lunch: :D In the lunch line Me and Ave were allowed forward by Kent and Arinda, bc they were arguing over who would sit where, when I got my food (which the lady heaped unfortunately high) I passed their table which had been put in another direction and the Geo teacher was asking them why it made it better for them. When we got to eating I had to spit out a part bc it was really hard and unchewable. After a discussion on how I didn't agree on Lauris life being utter shit, she either growled or burped and we made her laugh over and over and over about it. When we got to the classroom, at first we sat outside and shivered in the cold, then we went inside and I put my back against the warm pipes and listened to Florence + the Machines - Falling and the others looked at the class 11b's Christmas dinner photo on the wall, and Grete looked at the interview that was made at the Christmas ball.
  • Math: A surprise test, with the solutions on the other side, which the teacher began to cut off bc she didn't trust us :D Then at one point the Student council? (õpilasesindus) announced the happening of a style week next week :D (Military, PJ, ..., Old sports wear and cartoons.) The testie thingy went horriblish, the teacher didn't grade us as it was a are-we-ready-for-a-test test. The teacher then told me that I didn't have to do it :3 bc of the Olympiad, and she asked whether I could to the pretest I told her that what we learnt in class was like 1+1=2, but the pretest was like asking us how would a lama react if they would have to eat a carrot while bouncing on a ball.
  • German: firt thig that happened was that Kristo and Henri rushing into the classroom, which caused us to laugh and wonder what their ages are :D Class started with Kati Bakradze asking us if we knew what was going on and then the teacher left. Then we started translating our text and I had to go to the bathroom as I was feeling unwell. (Farted really loud in the school bathroom...or not ;) :3) Then I returned and Mox had already translated most of the text. We finished the assignments first half when everyone had left and then we to left. 
  • German task
  • - *was supposed to be German but the teacher's not gonna be in school till the end of the week*

I decided to run with Mox onto the 5 and showed her the Tomorrow-land trailer, at the crossroads near the Pärnu mnt Rahva raamat  Mox noticed there was a line of trams on the road. Turns out there was a collision behind Estonia and Mox made a very pretty deduction of the case :D I then got off, waved goodbye, wanted to take a pic of the collision but was to cowardly and then while walking toward the Estonia parking lot I slipped and fell landing on my leg and hurting my hand a bit. then I carefully walked on-wards and a kind old lady asked something in Russian, what I assumed to be something along the lines of' id it hurt?' or 'are you okay?' or smt :D When walking past a bunch of guys smoking behind Estonia, I noticed they might be from Reaal (specifically maybe Janno). And then I sprained my ankle and finally got on the bus. At home I chatted a bit with my mom until I got angry at her repeating an order at me to wash my pants.
I then went into my room and proceeded to research whether I was a INFP and what are the perfect careers for that. I then found that that expands to another set of describers. called Enneagrams, such as Investigator, Peacemaker and so on. My results showed that I am a Investigator (type 5) or ... and I most agreed with type 8 until I read about type 7 and agreed most about that (which is the Enthusiast).
And made a YouTube Thingy chat and chatted with mah friends.
At 16ish I read a bit of Jandy Nelsons - The Sky is Everywhere, the beginning is super cute and created a very warm feeling inside, even though the main character has just lost her sister, it's giving me a very light feel. Then slept until 20ish? 19ish? and woke up bc dad wanted to show me the TV3 news about Sandra Sillamaa? learning the bagpipes for a masters degree and famous people also trying the bagpipes. And then made myself two sandwiches :3
I also looked at last years Olympiad challenges and laughed over the fact that I don't remember :D, and I received a letter from the cookery/etiquette teacher about my powerpoint :D:
"•       Sisult põhjalik, ilma vigadeta, saab vastused esitatud küsimustele.
•       Meeldiv kujundus, tekst hästi loetav.
•       Lisatud pildid hästi iseloomulikud, kvaliteetsed. Eriti meeldib kellaviietee foto.
•       KKN on olemas, aga hüperlink tuleks eemaldada.
•       Hinne 5"
I then proceeded to watch 3 episodes of Agent Carter, which seems pretty good, music reminds me of Bioshock. :3. I am writing this at 00:40 :D By this time Agent Carter has ended and Gone Girl has started :) (After this I stayed up until 3 to make a video for TimeForTea, a catch up with me video, which I shot twice bc my hair was :s during the first one :D)

To doMeTo readcareer matces
To further research: animation..

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Got up, pushed my alarm clock 5 minutes forward. Did the usual, ate cinnamon bun. Put on my boots, hugged dad and got on the 31 o.O
Got to school, read Grave Mercy in front of the Maths class, then Mox came and told us she would only go to German class and that could we give Sandra's watch back to her (I thought she said Lura) I also told them about the Elastic Heart music video and Kärolin heard and she had also watched it. Then it was a quiet class of learning eksponentfunktsioonid, and Annu accidentally took the Estonian book instead of the Maths book :D. Before Lit started me and Annu went and bought drinks (she water me orange juice). Then Literature class which was held in class 103 instead of 102 bc in 102 was the Estonian Olympiad and they were moving around the glass Honor Roll students thingies and drilling holes. In Literature we had to read a short paragraph of a topic introduction and then bring examples of it. YIKES :D Then double German, where we learnt a mini dialogue and I made a pink tomato, luckily we got the short one. Ours was so short I only had to say "Hallo, Mirjam" and "Klar...Bitte" :D Then it was break time and me and Mox went somewhere? maybe not, anyway in the next German we did our tasks and answered our dialogue. Then food time, and we easily got seats, the food was supposed to be "macaroni casserole" and it was actually just macaroni and minced meat :D Then Mox left and it was time for maths. And then Literature where we discussed our topics, and it was awkward for me bc I thought we hadn't answered it in the right way (my group was Lee and Annu-M) and at one point Annu wanted to read something from my Kindle and I just gave her 50 Shades of Grey and she started reading it right at a sex scene :D and then she wanted to read it from the beginning :D So then school ended and I got on the bus for bagpipes.
I arrived a few minutes early and me and Kristel then warmed up our instruments up together and then played the kolmkõla and then "Ilus Valts." At one point we talked about woolen socks keeping warm in and that they're good for hiking and that I went to Finland in August and I got my feet soaking wet. Then class ended, I went to Soll to take out 5 euros, but I only had 4.96 and then I decided to buy cinnamon buns and gummy hearts. And when getting on the bus the nr 16 had broken down and buses were stopping in the 'marsa' lane, and I finally got on 31 after it started driving up the wrong lane and then backing up.
When I got home, no one was here and while I was pooping dad came home, he had bought a book about Rome. And I asked dad If it was possible to go to London in 2016 august for Sitc 2016.  He said possible. POSSIBLE IT'S POSSIBLE. YAAAYYY Soooo excited. :D :D :D
I then just sat on the computer and took a nap from about 18:46-21:45... or smt. I then watched YouTube videos about book hauls, Katytastyc, Jimmy Fallon, and so on. Also Sandra talked about plans for her birthday. 1. A birthday grownuppy party and 2. a pre-party on friday, of us going to watch Bi Eyes in the cinema. And In S6 we made plans to go watch Big Hero 6 on 22 of January. I checked out which horror movies were coming soon. And I planned to meet Mox an
d Triin on Valentine's Day to give our Christmas presents as Valentine's Day presents instead and also Triin wanted to know what... I was, I am a INFP/ENFP/ANFP :D Now it is 00.59 and I should go to bed :D

Actually now I'm going to do my homework :D... while watching Jimmy Fallon :) also this concoled me