Bach again ;) AYE.
Nonii, what's been happening? Well it seems that the last time I posted was summer... Well the last time I WROTE anything... Since then.. Well... It is now 16.February, and oh boy, do I like two Boys or what. Besides the fact that I can't decide whether I'm only attracted to males or am I attracted to females too (mby I'm bi or polyamorous *shocked gasp*), I have developed an appreciaton for two boys' appearances. They go to my school so this year has been filled with longingful glances at them and searchful looks in the hallway *mournful sigh* (*cough*dramalama*cough*). It has gotten especially bad this february mby even january. Oh well. While my mind might float in dreamland, my heart's got its feet cemented in the forever alone foundation. (also my chrush on Callan is going strong, his instagram and Twitter fill me with Joy).
Jaysus, I didn't think I would be talking aboot Boys in this post, anyway. With the start of this year I:
@nearly finished my first notebook
@set my goodreads goal at 59 books
@deleted all the picss from my Phone and added New tumblr pics
@made a 2016 Bucket list
@after many a stressful night over choosing an university I chose to take a gap year and try to get on board an EVS project (I have one in mind right now that I have yet to apply for(Austria, Kulturlabor)).
Okey, so since the last time I wrote was about the beginning to the middle of summer (I Will finish that list as a separate post) mby a little catch up? Yeah? No? To bad :D
This year (schoolyear, I mean) I continued my bagpipe lessons but also started violin lessons and joined the student council and joined the City Centre Youth Centre's Volunteer Club. Was a Volunteer at PÖFF and met some international actors and filmmakers, also met a Bangladeshi director and an Indian actor. That sounds bloody awesome but was... well it was awesome but it sounds way more :D Handling the internationaal crew was hard because they were 10 adults with different interests and concepts of time (also, to be honest, I didn't communicate quite well with them). But of them another time.
Ok. I'm already getting ideas on what posts I should and this one is already to over-spilly (let's be silly ;)) and yeah, that's it for this one.
- Magificent Ben of the Ginger Isle
(I love Ginger)
(I don't really think about my sexuality that much, whatever it is someday I'll know, anyway that's why no further explanation up top)
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