Tuesday, February 16, 2016

16.02.2016 Literature day

Today has been quite pleasant (from my viewpoint at 3:17 pm).
In the morning I didn't eat Lunch at home because I had ordered the English Breakfast that was offered In school (because of the English Language week). I also made my bus that I thought I had missed :3
The Breakfast consisted of : beans, a fried egg, two sausages, bacon, tomatoes and toast. I thought I would have to eat alone but Laura had just finished her report and could join me but I need't have feared loneliness because my English teacher came and joined us to talk to me about the literature quiz I was supposed to give to some classes. She also told us how English Breakfast is so much better in our school because some hotels in the UK don't even try to make it edible.
After that I got the memory stick with the quiz, a few Quick pointers on how to work the program and then I went to music class, where we sang a bit and the teacher messed around with the protesting computer. Then me and mox did the quiz for Bakradze's class and Onion's class. The students didn't know a lot of the answers but in one class the Best got 2300 points and the other one got 2000 points. The whole process was awkward. Anyway qe had to excuse ourselves from our Society class but I still had to give a presentation which we messed up. Then I helped Mirjam give a presentation on Harry Potter to sixth?seventh? graders. I wasn't supposed to be there but helped her with some stories about Harry Potter. Like talking about A Very Potter Musical, Cursed Child, Horcruxes... Then aa maths class where Annu abandoned me for Mox, then physics class where although it was the last classes of high school he still told us about nuclear reactors and stuff. Then I got up my courage and finally asked about redoing my course grade and last test (both of them I got a 4 but I need 5's if I want to graduate with a silver medal) he told me to go talk with my class teacher and õppealajuhataja, because he remembered the law not allowing students to fix their grades. I left wanting to go talk to the õppealajuss but my classmate told me that she had already been told by her that you have to reach an agreement with the teacher in whose lesson you want to fix your grade. Anyway tomorrow I'm going to check with Aade and then go talk with the physics teacher. Yay
The pleasantness? I'm sitting in the student representatives/council room at the moment and before choir began other memberss were making jokes and it was nice. They also told me about the episode in the russian sightseers competiin in which a person was posessed by a demon and They were creeped out by it.... Must check it out

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