Sunday, February 21, 2016
Summer: Part 2
19. Missed Bets's graduation because job
20. 22.June went to my brother's graduation, then lunch with the fam and then me and Mox went to Pühajärve (a big St. John's day party by a lake) and we slept in the car, but badly and left at 6 in the morning (also got lost in the maze of Tartu's streets :D)
21. 27.June me and my friend got on the ship at 8:00, arrived in Helsinki in 10:30, went to the mall, ate food, bought some cards, and got in line for the *drummrolll*.... McBusted CONCERT (also 1D)(I have a vlog/vid), (almost got poop drowned because of the sea of seagulls) saw the concert, went to Laura's grandma's place and came home the next day
22. Then a lot of work
23. Then to Loksa 15.07
24. 17-19.07 Tallinn Maritime Days volunteering :D (there was suddenly rain, and suddenly not :D) #freefood #grill
25. Then 20.07 was the volunteer thanking dinner, which I got all dolled up for to take the group photo... but I had to leave 5-10 minutes before they took the photo to go to my country home :( (also the younger bunch were making alcoholic cocktails and trying to guess ages #i'mactually45)
26. 1.08-08.08 Bus trip to Austria.. separate post? yeah :3
27. Booktubeathon
28. Then job days and after job on 12th of August got on bus and went to Ave's sweet ass cute b-day party (beach sunset, stargazing and falling-star gazing)
29. 13.08 painting with Mox for Circus Tree and Hessburger....
30. 19-21.08 Shiptrip to Sweden with Sandra and her Mom, we enjoyed cocktails, ship-food (-_- yeah right) and the ABBA museum :3
31. 22-30.08 Circus Tree Festival volunteering
32. Met-up with Annu and Mox, took some photos, attacked by bees
33. 31.08 was supposed to go to job, but teacher guilt tripped and idea of hanging with my friends= I skipped my final job day and went to make cards for 1st grades (but everybody bailed, and I bailed my job for nothing)
That's it for the Summer 2015 :3
Saturday, February 20, 2016
I didn't buy my calendar from a store, but I made it myself :)
After reminding my dad that I need a calendar at the end of January, he told me there was a page where you could throw together your own calendar, with your own pictures and stuff. So I did..... for a week.... or more.....
Anyway after scouring for ideas, then looking for pictures, then collage'ing them in Picmonkey and then adding important dates and things in the calendar, my dad ordered the calendar and now it's on my wall :3

Books I've read: 1.01.2016-20.02.2016
So I started this book way back in, March, but finally finished it on the of January. I really liked it. A because it has superheroes in it and B because the author put a twist on the normal "heroes are good" thingy. Also finding out what could damage Steelheart was very cool, a treasure hunt that I liked. I also liked the ending ;) and the fact that the whole city was turned to Steel and the use of the gloves :3
I finished reading this a few hours after midnight in a small shitty bed which led to me not being able to sleep and caused me to read Mitosis.
2. Mitosis by Brandon Sanderson (Reckoners book 1.5)
4. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Friday, February 19, 2016
Sushi: get in me
I'm a tottalll newbie in the world of eating sushi. This post will recount all the times I've eaten it.
Starting from the early days of fourth grade where my pretencious (not really) classmate bought sushi for herself and let us try her sushi. I ate one roll and don't remember if I liked it.
Second try would be a class trip to Tartu in the eight grade(?) where my friends ordered sushi and under their guidance ordered myself a plain salmon nigri, which my friends watched me eat, (with snobbish looks), and wasn't that special.
Fast forward to 2015, where in June the day after the One Direction concert Laura's grandmother made sushi which wasss goodddd. And then one day in July my friend ordered sushi to work and ordered some for me too.
Also two of my friends in school like sushi and one of them has been mentioning wanting sushi at least once every month since august.
And then now.
Today we went to Sushimon and I ordered the food by myself without any recomendations by my friends, ate half of it (because I was stuffed) and enjoyed the Helll our of it :3
Also I felt quite chuffed, because I ordered the food myself and confidently like I knew what I was doing :D (although when I was offered Miso soup I was like... "...... ee I don't think so no."
Ps. A boy I like likes sushi. At first (long ago) I was cringey and "aww, our tastes don't match in This department :/" but now I like suhi and yaassss :3
Current mood: travel
So my friends are a days ride away from home on their way to Austria. We were all offered the chance to go but I chose not to because I had just visited Austria in August. But I've been having doubts and a bit of regrets because I would also want to go with them, because I like traveling with friends and a school-bus-trip is different.
So currently because of history class and this travel thingy I am in the mood for travely books and stuff.
Started reading about Japan's religion and mythology (shinto, kami) also India's and now I Started watching Before Sunset.
When I was nostalgiaing to my parents about the bus trip my dad told me about a bustrip to France and I checked it out and now I realllyyy want to go. The trip sounds great, a day in Paris, Rouen, and some more towns/cities.
Edit: next morning. I saw a dream that my dad told me that he had bought us the flight tickets to Czech in two hours (he warned me about the trip a long time ago, but I didn't believe him) and then I started panically packing. At first I thought "hey I can survive if I only bring my Kindle and Phone, that's all I need" but then I reaalised I need my chargers, clothes, camera, toothbrush and other stuff. In between this panicky packing in my dream I saw that I was already in Czech, in a HUGE church with a wraparound balcony that was like on the fourth floor or smt. Well me and my friend were walking there and I was like glued to the entrance and walking really comically because I'm afraid of heights, and when I looked over the balcony the drop was huge.
Why not a list of places I would like to travel next:
* India
* Norway
* France
* Spain
* Japan
* Rio
* and ofc all the other countries and faraway places.
*wanted to add a pic of some cool travel photo or smt or some of my pics from Austria, but my Phone memory is permanently full so I couldn't download dndndn anyway, it suck, but hey enjoy this photo instead :D*
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
16.02.2016 Literature day
In the morning I didn't eat Lunch at home because I had ordered the English Breakfast that was offered In school (because of the English Language week). I also made my bus that I thought I had missed :3
The Breakfast consisted of : beans, a fried egg, two sausages, bacon, tomatoes and toast. I thought I would have to eat alone but Laura had just finished her report and could join me but I need't have feared loneliness because my English teacher came and joined us to talk to me about the literature quiz I was supposed to give to some classes. She also told us how English Breakfast is so much better in our school because some hotels in the UK don't even try to make it edible.
After that I got the memory stick with the quiz, a few Quick pointers on how to work the program and then I went to music class, where we sang a bit and the teacher messed around with the protesting computer. Then me and mox did the quiz for Bakradze's class and Onion's class. The students didn't know a lot of the answers but in one class the Best got 2300 points and the other one got 2000 points. The whole process was awkward. Anyway qe had to excuse ourselves from our Society class but I still had to give a presentation which we messed up. Then I helped Mirjam give a presentation on Harry Potter to sixth?seventh? graders. I wasn't supposed to be there but helped her with some stories about Harry Potter. Like talking about A Very Potter Musical, Cursed Child, Horcruxes... Then aa maths class where Annu abandoned me for Mox, then physics class where although it was the last classes of high school he still told us about nuclear reactors and stuff. Then I got up my courage and finally asked about redoing my course grade and last test (both of them I got a 4 but I need 5's if I want to graduate with a silver medal) he told me to go talk with my class teacher and õppealajuhataja, because he remembered the law not allowing students to fix their grades. I left wanting to go talk to the õppealajuss but my classmate told me that she had already been told by her that you have to reach an agreement with the teacher in whose lesson you want to fix your grade. Anyway tomorrow I'm going to check with Aade and then go talk with the physics teacher. Yay
The pleasantness? I'm sitting in the student representatives/council room at the moment and before choir began other memberss were making jokes and it was nice. They also told me about the episode in the russian sightseers competiin in which a person was posessed by a demon and They were creeped out by it.... Must check it out
2016 Bucket List
So, this is a list of things I would like to do this year or try. This is my alternative for New Years resolutions (which almost always fail) also I like bucketlists more :3
Kick it off with a bang ;)
* Try to save money (bhahaahhhahaHaaHAAHA)
* Start swimming > find a bathing suit > try to go swiming at least one morning
* try yoga
* try french toast with bacon
* try a New restaurant
* try writing a comic
* try to do a creative project every month
* try Thai food
*try to take a photo every Day
* try an african dish
* try cosplaying
* TRY to lose 30kg
* try snowboarding... Or remember to try one year
* get a ukulele
* save all (but 25€ for Ukulele) money earned from summer job for uni
* try a New receipe often (at least once a month)
* eat/Cook chicken tikka masala
* Make pumpkin pie
* Dance more
*Try to write songs (as of january i have written one song :))
* Buy LESS books
* less candy
Guess who's back
Bach again ;) AYE.
Nonii, what's been happening? Well it seems that the last time I posted was summer... Well the last time I WROTE anything... Since then.. Well... It is now 16.February, and oh boy, do I like two Boys or what. Besides the fact that I can't decide whether I'm only attracted to males or am I attracted to females too (mby I'm bi or polyamorous *shocked gasp*), I have developed an appreciaton for two boys' appearances. They go to my school so this year has been filled with longingful glances at them and searchful looks in the hallway *mournful sigh* (*cough*dramalama*cough*). It has gotten especially bad this february mby even january. Oh well. While my mind might float in dreamland, my heart's got its feet cemented in the forever alone foundation. (also my chrush on Callan is going strong, his instagram and Twitter fill me with Joy).
Jaysus, I didn't think I would be talking aboot Boys in this post, anyway. With the start of this year I:
@nearly finished my first notebook
@set my goodreads goal at 59 books
@deleted all the picss from my Phone and added New tumblr pics
@made a 2016 Bucket list
@after many a stressful night over choosing an university I chose to take a gap year and try to get on board an EVS project (I have one in mind right now that I have yet to apply for(Austria, Kulturlabor)).
Okey, so since the last time I wrote was about the beginning to the middle of summer (I Will finish that list as a separate post) mby a little catch up? Yeah? No? To bad :D
This year (schoolyear, I mean) I continued my bagpipe lessons but also started violin lessons and joined the student council and joined the City Centre Youth Centre's Volunteer Club. Was a Volunteer at PÖFF and met some international actors and filmmakers, also met a Bangladeshi director and an Indian actor. That sounds bloody awesome but was... well it was awesome but it sounds way more :D Handling the internationaal crew was hard because they were 10 adults with different interests and concepts of time (also, to be honest, I didn't communicate quite well with them). But of them another time.
Ok. I'm already getting ideas on what posts I should and this one is already to over-spilly (let's be silly ;)) and yeah, that's it for this one.
- Magificent Ben of the Ginger Isle
(I love Ginger)
(I don't really think about my sexuality that much, whatever it is someday I'll know, anyway that's why no further explanation up top)