Yeah, Jesus.
It's almost been a year since I last wrote here and boy have things changed.
The simplest of things first:
I have managed to hang on in uni and haven't fallen out... yet.
I ended up not candidating for EVS or making myself a new calendar but
I did candidate for a small project and got it and did it and shocked
But then I candidated for another bigger project and then an even bigger one... yeah. Crazy me
In the beginning of December I candidated to be our Summer Courses Social responsible (tough choice between MO and Party person)
In November I applied for spring courses
It ended up that I then was the Social Responsible AND went to a spring course to Torino <3 are="" bestorino="" fuck="" h="" i="" let="" life="" ll="" love="" my="" of="" oh="" p="" the="" wife="" you="">Had to quit bagpipes and give the pipes away3>
<3 are="" bestorino="" fuck="" h="" i="" let="" life="" ll="" love="" my="" of="" oh="" p="" the="" wife="" you="">
Going to Istanbul in a month
Got an amazing job at Olde Hansa #Bullshit-cough-TrollAllDay
Oh.. And I'm the Current HR of BEST-Estonia.
Who let that happen